Tourniquet by NiVeN
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sedawkgrep Rep. 711
#31   31 May 2024
Solid, fast map for 1v1. Nice!
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[ $(C ]M@G|KM@AN unregistered
#30   21 Sep 2000
if jude is getting involved and the visuals suck

-it must be another underground classic,

ill get on the DL now.....

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FxR|jude unregistered
#29   20 Jul 2000
ok niven, i'll see what i can do...

It's mostly just fixups so i doubt i'll be changing much structurally, but i did have one or two things in particular i did want to modify. Gimme a week or two :)

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niven unregistered
#28   20 Jul 2000
the funny thing is that I lost on it with my clanm8 :)

I prefer cpm1 than my level but It's ok for tourney.

DM is a mode that I don't like too much.

hopefuly jude has good intensions of fixing my level :)

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FooL unregistered
#27   20 Jul 2000
NiVeN....actually, i cleared out my map list and I can see maps again. Your's still doesn't show up. That really is a shame. I'm a lazy bastard and rarely ever take the time to type in the map from consol. However, I did play the map and it rocks. Outstanding DM play. I love the way you made the "floor" with many levels. A little jump here and there, next thing you know you're raining down terror from above with the RL. Outstanding game play. I was going to mark you down for just haveing it in Tourny play. I feel the level is large enough to support a great 4 person DM. However in the light, that we both now agree you can't select it from the menu, it's just as easy to start one level with all the bots on it and select yours from consol. So, besides that little bug it's great. 8 outta 10
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niven unregistered
#26   20 Jul 2000
jude = files are sent to your email
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niven unregistered
#25   20 Jul 2000
Well I even wrote about MM in the readme :>

Jude - thx :) Ok I could send you the file but it was not done in QUARK but in qeradiant so the file is .map

if you still want to play with it mail me

I have a few questions about cpm1/cpm3 that we could discuss over email.

Fool - Actually I used one of those programs that puts the map in the menu and it worked in the beta. It doesn't work at all I think. Maybe I'm wrong.

Sorry ...

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not entered unregistered
#24   19 Jul 2000
heh, now that I've actually played the level, I see that you ARE a manson fan.

/me points at me and laughs

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FxR|jude unregistered
#23   19 Jul 2000

nice! Plays pretty damn well in pro-mode :)

If you dont have time to fix up the few obvious things wrong send the .qkm file to me :) You have my email..

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FooL unregistered
#22   19 Jul 2000
I want to formally apologize to NiVeN for my stupidity. I did not realize there was a MAXIMUM number of level that Q3 would put up on the skirmish board. Apparantly his map hit that. I am re-downloading this map now and will score it appropriatly. Again my most humble apologies.
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niven unregistered
#21   18 Jul 2000
actually I am :p
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not entered unregistered
#20   17 Jul 2000
Because he called it tourniquet, that means he is a marilyn manson fan. yuh.
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wombadorembadan unregistered
#19   17 Jul 2000
Seems like there is a Marylin Manson's fan.
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hhmz unregistered
#18   17 Jul 2000
i know how to start a map, but after a couple of weeks i will forget the name of this map, and then it would be nice to see it in the menu, like all others.
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niven unregistered
#17   17 Jul 2000
cpm1 roxx gameplaywise (check out my demo on shod :)

the looks are not bad but very simplistic. I just needed an argument :)

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FxR|jude unregistered
#16   16 Jul 2000
rofl Niven you read my mind.

But to be honest, in lightmap, r_picmip 0 i dont think it looks that bad but i still agree with you :)

I'm going to download this one when i get home.. hope it's as good as people say :)

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niven unregistered
#15   16 Jul 2000
well some things don't work as they should.

That's my bad.

Some people can't start a map by themselves.

That's your idiocy.

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FooL unregistered
#14   16 Jul 2000
The readme.txt was a little lacking in guidance.... I extracted this to my baseq3 folder just ike every other hundred and 50 maps I've d/led. Started up my Quake. Went to skirmish...looked in tourny mode and the map WAS NOT THERE. (The only reason I bring this up is the readme.txt said it would be there.) So needless to say, I've got the map and haven't played it. For that reason I am FORCED to score it a 0. If you can't play it, you might as well be scoring a pile of dog sh@#.
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niven unregistered
#13   16 Jul 2000
I'll get q3r as soon as possible then :)
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Niptlar unregistered
#12   15 Jul 2000
SiCdeth, you have a probably have a dynamic IP address (like me), so the corresponding ID changes every time you connect to the Internet. If you have a modem, this is probably the case.
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SiCdeth unregistered
#11   15 Jul 2000
hey how come my id number keeps changing.. but im not complaining it has gib in the beginning now hehe!
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SiCdeth unregistered
#10   15 Jul 2000
ok, i loved this map since beta but the final version is very dissapointing looks wise, theres overlapping brushes all over. there are weirdly capped curves, theres a clip brush by the ya that should just be a regular brush so the players will now they can jump twice to get it, i just know becuase it was like that in the beta. and i can get on top of the roof if i rocket jump off of the jump pad by the mega health. (i try all the crazy sht to find the F ups!) but anyway it would be incredibly better if you would just release a new version with the same name so that people wont disregard your map.

pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease make another version, this map deserves the credit!

PS make the YA a little more reachable so the bots dont get caught.

i give it a 7 as it is but i would definitely give it a 9 if it was remade

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Niptlar unregistered
#9   15 Jul 2000
P. S. When I say "close," I mean the amount of time can differ by a factor of two. Automatic weapons traditionally have shorter durations.

The rest of the level seems pretty good...

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RedFive unregistered
#8   15 Jul 2000
Unbelievable! FilePlanet WORKS !!!!
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Niptlar unregistered
#7   15 Jul 2000
I'm cool with this level visually, because look are not too relevant. However, I found an anamoly with the ammo clips. Okay, go ahead an pick up all the weapons and all the ammo. What are your ammo counts?

200 bullets (20 seconds)

30 shells (30 seconds)

15 grenades (12 seconds)

20 rockets (16 seconds)

200 lightning (actually 220 => 11 seconds)

60 slugs (90 seconds)

20 + 30 + 12 + 16 + 11 < 90,

so the author essentially said "Hail to the Railgun." C'mon, the duration for each weapon is supposed to be close together, except for the Shotgun, Machinegun, and BFG for reasons I shouldn't need to explain. The GL can be slightly lower, but you get the idea...

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niven unregistered
#6   15 Jul 2000
there's something with that texture under the LG, I think it was from a standard set but now I see it wasn't :o

But anyways - gameplay is more important , if you're scared by the looks write :

r_picmip 12

and then


in q3 console so you can enjoy the game not the looks more (and you'll gain some fps :>)

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rockN79 unregistered
#5   15 Jul 2000
I don't think it looks too bad..

it's not a beauty, but not ugly either.

Gameplay-wise it looks promising, I haven't had time to play that much...

Couldn't find any missing textures, but then again I have a lot stuff in my baseq3 folder.

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niven unregistered
#4   15 Jul 2000
take cpm1 (q3jdm8a) for example, it's the best tourney level EVER and it looks like sh..

It's gameplay that matters :)

But if I'll keep hearing from people that they want a more finished one I'll think about making one.

Right now you can also check out my space (sic!) level which is well done texturewise but the gameplay on it sucks :(

Octo- Bars are to persuade from you that puny idea of trying to get out ;-)

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niven unregistered
#3   15 Jul 2000
let me explain myself , I had to finish that level in 2 weeks and didn't have too much time during my last two weeks in the us. So I decided to put it here even tho it's not totally done texture wise:( But the gameplay's good :>

MAYBE I'll make another version (niv3dm1a) :>

It was hard enough to manage all those changes from the last beta. But anyways , Maps are to enjoy not to look at :P

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Octovus unregistered
#2   15 Jul 2000
Bars on the windows? Looks like a prsion 2 me! =)
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SiCdeth unregistered
#1   15 Jul 2000

irony (i guess) in dev's maps comments i asked when this map would be done already cuz ive seen it go through alot of changes in beta... eagerly awaiting the final product, dl'ing now.

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