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I agree with what the muffinator has said. and I don't think the map is too big, as other have suggested - just think of it as a large FFA/TDM map - i just don't think it is that well connected. I've also noticed that bots are particularly crafty on this map, especially in TDM. But the styling bugs me a little. The RA/LG area looks amazing, but out of place with the rest of the map, and the upper RG area feels too open compared to other areas. But the height of the doors are annoying. What bugged me the most was not being able to shoot through the grated catwalks. That was very frustrating. It also can be a long haul to the various sections of the map, and matters are not helped at all by all those corridors.
Edited 17.22 hours after the original posting.
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Like themuffinator said, the item placement was totally wrong and more weapons sohuld of been added. It's a fairly large map and large maps need more weapons but plenty of ammo was added though which was a good thing. I'd also like to say that the see-through glass should be breakable to make it more challenging and fun :). 5.5/10
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It's got enough visual gimmicks to make it a memorable map and every area is quite distinct. The Quad Damage idea is brilliant!
A letdown is the item layout imo. Weapons are a little scarce in areas and I think there should be more SG and less PG. The most significant issue: those rage-inducing short doorways - it cripples the flow of the map. Doorways should slightly higher than the player's maximum height at the peak of a jump. When you hit your head ont he doorway while strafe jumping, it's a huge letdown.
6.5/10 from me. 9 if the issues are fixed.
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Epic. 8/10
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A great map. Even if it's 10 years old, it's one of those great big maps; it's got its distinctive feeling to it and an interesting layout and building. Grab this one if you're into big FFA matches.
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#78 28 May 2002
Wow, I haven't been here in a while, and here I see some recent comments. I'm glad people are still enjoying this map I made so long ago. I have attempted to put together quite a few other maps and I have many pieces that seem promising, but ultimately no complete maps. Work, marriage and life in general took its toll on my ability to make maps, so it has been hard to bring one to completion to the level of quaiity I'd be comfortable with releasing.
Although I'd love to complete another Q3A map, I am also trying to learn Maya so I can hopefully contribute something to the UT2003 community (sorry quake fans.) Maybe even the new Doom engine will prove interesting to build things in. Anyway, I salivate every time I consider what I could do with such a large polygon budget.
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#77 01 May 2002
Update May 1, 2002. This map is still my number one fav. and love it even better since I got a geforce 4 Ti 4400 :-)
Ya ever gonna make anothe map Zarathrustra? (Hope so).
Another big 10 from me :-)
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#76 13 Jan 2001
I gave the map a ten
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#75 13 Jan 2001
Now that I have a 1.1GHZ,256 megs of ram,60 gig hrddrive, and my diamond viper2 stealth with s3 technology, this map plays like a dream.....abdolutely no slowdowns whatsoever. This is my number one fav. map to date. very fun. I won with 64 frags.
To all who heard about my post on qmap christmas day, they sent me the wrong computer. I sent it back and had a custom one built for me.
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#74 14 Dec 2000
I gave it a 10 and I've never even played it. I think you should have to register or something before you can cast a vote.
People like me really piss me off.
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#73 31 Oct 2000
YOU IDIOTS! Quit Bickering. This map is one fine work of art and deserves to be praised but instead all I hear are all you people whining. Sure it's laggy on my computer too but that didn't stop me from enjoying it (Although i'll be upgrading soon).
I cannot even begin to know where to start....How the hell did you get those angled curves in the hallways (the lower wall border trim part). Brilliant! The whole map is brilliant.
And How come no one has mentioned the Quad. GENIOUSE! Pure and simple. You get teleported to the quad then the sphere holding the quad opens dropping you below.
I spent 30 mins in the map and still came to new places. I gotta go back to see what else I have missed.
I give this map a 10.
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#72 10 Oct 2000
Amazing. The
hallways in this map have more style and sense of place than most maps have in their entirety.
Nice job Zar.
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#71 09 Oct 2000
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#70 06 Aug 2000
Whoa. This one is reaaly big. I wasn't too sure what I thought of it on first few plays, but it's growing on me little by little. I think for as big as it is, I'd have liked to see a few spots of higher detail here and there. The layout's pretty good, but it takes a while to learn your way arouynd as most the hallways and such look like other places on the map.
The area pictured in the sample pic was the best. I wish the walls throughout had a little more to look at.
Good show. I'll throw an 8.
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#69 22 Jul 2000
What really amazed me about this map is the great fantasy involved, and all those unique shapes, structures and ideas never seen before, worked out so neatly. I think there is enough material inside this map to would have come up with 2, maybe 3 smaller DMmaps, probably allowing for a smaller, more concentrated and smart match.
No lack off mapping skills or fantasy at all, looks are very good and impressive. Its only the smartness of gameplay a little, which is most often hard to capture in a map of this size.
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Steinecke = Rosebud
#68 11 Jul 2000
I'm afraid, they will ban me from LvL. But, I was right. I'm asking for your help. It's not a question of a natural speaker -it's, cause I'm not important.
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#67 09 Jul 2000
well, after getting fed up with file planet i tried somewhere else to down load it...and it worked!! THANX!!! it runs GORGEOUS on my 750Mhz, 256MB, matrox G400!!!!!! NICE ONE!!!!
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Mysterious Dr.X
#66 07 Jul 2000
Fantastic map I must say although it is a bit large for bots :) If anyone ever has problems downloading try John's Q3A which is a massive database of almost all the maps I have seen. It is at
www.quake3world.com/quake3/mapsIf i ever want ot download a level I always try here first beacuse I know it will download first time. Hope this helps anyone with problems. Keep up these amazing maps Zarathustra!
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#65 30 Jun 2000
Hehe, I thought I'd personally thank you for being such a trooper about downloading this map. :)
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#64 30 Jun 2000
finally got it, must say it was worth all the trouble it caused me.. 9 for me..
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#63 29 Jun 2000
meeec for short.
i r'member Runtfest beta crashed
just the same.i have 117 too.
do the bots play really well
and the whole map or do they Clog up the middlest area like 95% o maps.there should be a RE-aas Program that paks the pk3 for you and makes the aas file rock! then all those Early maps will Kick Arse! C anyone?
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#62 28 Jun 2000
i cant download it
it gets stuck everytime and i am trying for days now and i have cable
fucking stupid fileplanetserver
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#61 28 Jun 2000
obviously fileplanet is doing its anal [or is it annual?]
refixings. everybody hates when it doesnt work but give them Kredit when it kicks arse at 5.0k/sec thats great for my connection speed.[donate me a dsl please]
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#60 28 Jun 2000
how can it be that 1 second u r downing it with 80k/s, next second it just stops, and resumes with 130 bytes/sec, and then just stops, over and over and over again, even on my fucking work????
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#59 28 Jun 2000
FYI for those talking about r_speeds.
I've done this before, but I did it again just to check. The r_speeds in Andronicus are actually pretty comparable to q3dm12 "The Dredwerkz", with a few exceptions.
In both maps, just running around normally by yourself in regular first person player mode, you get mostly from 3,500 to 8,000 r_speeds, plus or minus a little.
q3dm12 peaks at about 11,700 in places like the plasma gun and the exit to the main room from the railgun area.
The main difference with Andronicus is that it peaks like this in a few more places, going above 10,000 r_speeds here and there. But it is far from the norm, IMO.
Now, I've seen very well made maps that regularly go as high as 18,000-20,000 (PowZer's Golgotha Core comes to mind.) And I just saw one not-so-well made map that was around 19,000 on QIC (www.planetquake.co...a/fragnflag.htm).
Now that is what I consider "too-large" r_speeds (no slight to PowZer, who makes wonderful maps, and I love Golgotha Core anyway.)
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#58 28 Jun 2000
goddamnit, motherf*cking fileplanet crap... how hard can it be to get a decent server...what ever happened to the mirrors in europe who r 10 times better then that california crap... yes i am pissed of, for the 30000 time it fails to resume the download and gets stuck at 16 %
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#57 28 Jun 2000
Oops! My error! It IS a point release problem. Apologies. I was sure I was running 117 and it turns out it was only 116. Installing 117 solved the problem.
Looks like a nice map, but I need a new computer to run it properly. My fps are far too low.
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#56 28 Jun 2000
Okay, but all this tells me is that you have problems running maps sometimes on
your system. What did they do to saltctf2 get it to "run" the second time? My guess is nothing... I doubt there was anything they could have done specifically.
Have you tried my suggestions below? Also, read Johnny Law's post. Sometimes weird stuff just happens.
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#55 28 Jun 2000
saltctf2 beta crashes like andronicus but the final release of SaltCtf2 is fine.
it crashed just like your map.
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#54 28 Jun 2000
someone please mirror this file. looks sweet and i wanto play it, fileplanet has it, i can grap it ,but it always stops at round 14 %.
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#53 28 Jun 2000
I have had this map for a while now....Shovel put me onto it :-)
without a doubt ,the best tech-theme map I have played.
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#52 27 Jun 2000
Thanks carbon!
I am working on a smaller map now. I intend it to be for FFA/Tourney play. Check out my website periodically (in the readme.txt) for news.
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#51 27 Jun 2000
Thanks, Johnny Law for that insight. That is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about.
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Johnny Law
#50 27 Jun 2000
A Q3 re-install is often one of the first things to try when you start having weird problems. I had slow bot performance and an inability to connect to servers on some port numbers; after a re-install and re-patch (which in the end made no visible change on any of the files involved) all those problems went away. Weird stuff, but if it works I'm not going to complain.
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#49 27 Jun 2000
um, wow, this map is beautiful, I have no Idea how it plays but it looks incredible. great job zar, how about something smaller next time for us tourney fans(or those of us like myself with only a modem and few friends)? The time you spent on this map and answering the questions of those with problems is appreciated.
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#48 27 Jun 2000
Also, I have installed the original, old version of Q3A off the CD on an old Pentium Pro with 64MB RAM, Win 98, and a Voodoo2.
By what happened to SiCdeth, I cannot possibly see how I could have tested for this. I mean, there must be some strange bug in Q3A itself, or a problem introduced by something else. If SiCdeth could get it to work by upgrading, perhaps there was something corrupted in his system or pak0.pk3 file... or something.
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#47 27 Jun 2000
TO ANYONE HAVING TROUBLE RUNNING THE MAPSiCdeth has gotten the map to work simply by installing the latest game patch from id software (version 117).
Also, as a suggetion, you might try cleaning your /baseq3 directory up. I have seen people have various problems because of bad .pk3's, or too many .pk3's etc. etc.
To be sure it isn't an issue with other .pk3's, you can move ALL of your custom .pk3's OUT OF /baseq3 temporarily, and then just put the q3zdm1.pk3 in there. This will eliminate that as a cause.
Personally, I only keep the .pk3's that I know I'm going to play in /baseq3. The rest stay zipped in another folder.
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#46 27 Jun 2000
this has happen before, take a chill pill and im sure itll come back and be better then ever .do you know how much Sh#ts on there?!?!?!!!!!
like every freakin map ever for Quake1,2,3[A]!
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#45 27 Jun 2000
i dont like q3 water,its annoying sometimes.
i have the 117 and a 16mb TNT [dont boo . . . ok stop already]
p3 450 128mbRam. if i deleted the aas then that would delete the point i dont play online cause of my 48k connection yes i have a 56k modem but a certain SH#TWAY computer co. cuts down their speed. i did Lug my comp around to a Lan. once
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#44 27 Jun 2000
Great look, man. You have some really nice ideas in there. I like the lower sections most (because i like Q3 water. I should use water in one of my maps :)
However, an 8 for me, because of lower frame rates. If you had built some more winding (thus vis blocking ) corridiors, fps would have included greatly. I assume you did use areaportals with the doors?
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#43 27 Jun 2000
Great map!
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#42 26 Jun 2000
just to let u know Zar, html tags are used with < and > not [ and ]
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Tonya Harding
#41 26 Jun 2000
Boots up fine for me. Does get a little slow on my overclocked celeron. Getting a Geforce soon so hopefully that will speed things up a bit.
Love the glass sections BTW.
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#40 26 Jun 2000
Oh, and thanks again to everyone for trying this map out, and commenting on it. It has really been a fun and exciting experience to make and release it.
I think I'll be avoiding this forum now so that I can concentrate on my next map. :)
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#39 26 Jun 2000
That's interesting. But why on earth would that crash on a few systems but not others? The bot file is not dependent on special drivers like video or sound. If someone can tell me how I could have avoided this, maybe I'll be able to take that knowledge forward to the next map.
On the issue of whether levels should run within the original system specs -- I agree, but only to a point. It is a factor, but not the whole ball of wax for freely distributed add-on levels. Besides, Geforce cards are continuing to appear on more desktops, and this will become less of an issue soon. I think the [i]really low[/i] votes for this reason seem vindictive and take the point a bit too far.
Thankfully, the map critics on the major review web sites seem to be thinking in this way.
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#38 26 Jun 2000
It crashed for me too! I've got 116n, but I got it to work. You have to take out the pic and the aas file from the pk3 archive, just leave the bsp and textures in there. It should run fine now, of course you cant actually play it (with bots) now.
As for the map, looks good and is a decent large map. But peformance has to be considered as well as everythng else. All you "it runs fine on my p3 whatever with GeForce" people, you have to realise that levels should run on system specs specified with the game. This is about a 6.
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#37 26 Jun 2000
Hey, Tyre and MEet-CEes are the same guys that posted this problem on the Reliquary. It doesn't sound too widespread based on that evidence at least.
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#36 26 Jun 2000
this piece of work runs fine on my system and i have to say i like it.
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#35 26 Jun 2000
What does your system have in common with SiCdeth, I wonder? What do you suppose was the issue on those maps you had problems with?
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#34 26 Jun 2000
i have win98, im gonna go download the point release and see if it helps
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#33 26 Jun 2000
i too "the [never] acclaimed Beta tester" can not run this map.
p3 450 [im too stupid too overclock]
i have ezperienced this same crash with other lesser known maps ,[duh i told you i beta test].
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#32 26 Jun 2000
Well, I'm sorry then, I honestly don't know what to tell you. I feel bad that you can't play it, but I don't have much to go on. Nearly all of the thousands of people playing this map (except you) are running it fine to my knowledge. Also, if the map were horribly "broken" I don't think Tigger-oN would have posted it and said it was "well constructed." This is all news to me.
I just ran it again on my "measly" Pentium Pro 200Mhz Win98 64MB system with a Voodoo2 and it booted up fine. Granted, it didn't run too fast, but it did run fine. Runs fine on my other computer too (also Win98).
Really, there is nothing especially strange about the construction of this map except that it is larger than average.
The difference between your machine and mine is the AMD processor and the amount of memory. Also, you didn't mention the operating system version (Win 95, 98 or NT?).
IMO, with a souped-up, over-clocked processor like that k6-450 (550) you really ought to invest in some more RAM (its not that expensive unless all you have is milk money.) Other than that, you have a good system to run this map. I just don't get it.
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#31 26 Jun 2000
amd k6-2 450 (runs at 550)
a measly 64mb ram
tnt2 32mb
i dont have 117 because i have 116 and i dont see the need of getting the new one unless u decide to play online, and i never do because i have a crappy 56k modem and i have pings of like 500+
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#30 26 Jun 2000
SiCdeth is not alone - this map won't play for me either. Try to load it and it crashes Quake and corrupts the Windows display into the bargain. I've heard others have had exactly the same problem, and it certainly is nothing to do with the latest point release, as I have that. I've never had this problem with any other map, so I don't think it can just be a size issue either. Hmmm.
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#29 26 Jun 2000
Well, for starters, yes, you should install the latest point release. I can't see why you wouldn't have already, and I don't think you can even play online without it.
But what kind of system do you have otherwise?
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#28 26 Jun 2000
i would love to rate this map... if i could play it! and no im not complaining about performance, i cant even get the map to start everytime i try to load it up, my comp says that quake3 has performed an illegal operation. do i need point release 117 to play this or what?
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#27 26 Jun 2000
RiO: There is one very good reason to move: FILEPLANET !!! That alone says it all...
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#26 26 Jun 2000
Scampie: 3/10 it's a low rate for a map like this. I wouldnt say that this map it's a must have but Have good visuals and it's a large map so gameplay can't be rated equal than in a 1on1 map or a 3/4ffa.
On the Machine Problems... I got a PII400 and a voodoo2 and this have an easy solution: put the detail level to a lower level.
anyway I have seen better maps... only a 6/10 for me
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#25 26 Jun 2000
It runs fine on my PII 450 with 160MB RAM and a GeForce DDR. I wouldn't say that it's "too big", it just takes a lot of players to fill up. One thing that I noticed is that the powerups are too close together. You can get the quad+regen or megahealth+haste within 3 seconds.
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#24 26 Jun 2000
WHAT??? LvL Moving? How can they move when everything they need (on that list) is here?
Re-think, Tig, Please!
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#23 26 Jun 2000
Kurupt: If it plays well on your 'puter then cool for you! I know my Cel.400, 64mb, TNT1 is not liking it too much; I get around 15 fps even with my super-tweaked settings. I guess I need RAM soon, not to mention the PIII, the GeForce, the sound card (my SB16 is passe), yada yada yada, fine print...
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#22 26 Jun 2000
Thanks for the comments folks.
To clarify some things:
Detail brushes were used where appropriate. Essentially only the hull and vis-blocking structures are "structural." Hint brushes were used in a number of places to create portals where desired to reduce visibility and hence r_speeds. Using detail brushes mainly affects compile time, not necessarily game performance, which is all you should care about.
Also, the readme says that the long compile was because of the light stage, not vis. Detail brushes have no effect on light compiles, and there is little that can be done to affect light compile times in any case. But ultimately this means nothing to you, the player, because you don't have to sit through the compile. The lightmap is the same size regardless and there is no special performance hit for this. It is a simple rendering pass that must be drawn any way you slice it.
Finally, using detail brushes can reduce the number of leaf-nodes in the Potentially Visible Set (PVS), but it won't necessarily speed up your map much. The engine still has to draw it all, which is the main performance hit. Having fewer leaf nodes means that the PVS is smaller, but that performance gain is negligible compared to the cost of rendering a scene.
Reducing the number of leaf nodes in the PVS too far can cause too much to be visible at once, since everything sits in a few large nodes. The real key is to create nodes where they make the most sense, not more or fewer per se. This is what I tried to do.
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#21 26 Jun 2000
My Comp SUKS ass but this runs fine WTF IS WITH YOU PPL? Lovely Visuals, Good Gameplay, Bots Run Well. This Deserves At Least An 8. Will You Lamers Stop Moaning About Ur Comps and Enjoy It For What It Is. BTW My Comp IsD K6-2 400, 192 MEg Of Ram and a Voodoo Banshee(LOL@ My Shitty Graph Card)
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#20 26 Jun 2000
Its nice to see a larger map for a change. Too bad it suffers from the room-door-corridor-door-room syndrome. A bit less detail, and the map could have been much more open and interconnected. Not too good for FFA as it is now, TDM might work though. It has some good chokepoints and important areas to keep under control. Gets quite framey sometimes with HQ-visuals (c500/ddr).
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#19 25 Jun 2000
I have been playing this map for a few weeks now and I still find it to be an inspired work of art.
The attention to detail and the generally excellent design make this map a keeper.
I think it's a solid 9.
It runs fluidly on a Celeron 533/GeForceDDR/192MB, which I now consider to be a minimum target spec for Quake3 custom maps; Voodoo3, Rage128 and TNT1 are horribly underpowered by current standards.
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#18 25 Jun 2000
Scampie: I guess your just to good eh?
A compile time is not indicative of quality construction dude.
It would appear that he hasn't used many(if any) detail brushes, but nothing is gunna get that RAD time down with the size of some of the areas.
I agree that making maps that can be ran resonably well on all system specs is good, but I dont think knocking maps that require a little higher end hardware good at all. Just consider them ahead of thier time.
Your personal opinion on the look of this map being ordinary is fair enough, but have a look at some of the other post's and you'll see your a minority.
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#17 25 Jun 2000
ShoveL: what it means is that better mappers could kick the shit outta this map in a 'prettyness' contest if the didn't care about little things such as 'framerate' or 'r_speeds'. I guess my words did come out a little bungled tho... Oh, and people whineing about not being able to run maps? Mapping is not only about making a pretty map. It's about making a nice map that plays well on ANY system spec and has hella gameplay.
Quality? ha. The readme states how long a compile this map took on his awesome box. Maybe more attention to technical areas such as detail brushs and hints wouldn't have helped this map. I noticed a few Z-fighting problems on the map as well.
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#16 25 Jun 2000
If there's one thing I'm sick of, is ppl whinging that they can't run a map on thier machine. These kind of ppl put a downer on otherwise very good quality work(maybe it's envy), if only they could get over not owning a decent machine. IMO this map is inspirational for other mappers and lot of fun to play!
It runs very smooth (40+FPS avrg @ 8X6, 5 bots)
on my P3 550E, TNT2 32MB.
I've given it an 8.
Rio: define "to big" ?
Scampie: What does this mean?
"If mappers didn't care about how well their maps played, there would be many better looking maps then this with a hell alot more gameplay."
correct me if I'm wrong but that just doesn't make any sense?
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#15 25 Jun 2000
Spud: I'm glad you have a better computer. And I'm glad you rate my computer as a 3/10.
I can't play map therefore it's worth 3/10 in my mind.
If mappers didn't care about how well their maps played, there would be many better looking maps then this with a hell alot more gameplay.
And isn't it strange how most good Q3 maps that look better(lun3dm1 and 2, bal3dm1) run perfectly on my machine...
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#14 25 Jun 2000
This is one hell of a map! It's going to be a CLASSIC!
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#13 25 Jun 2000
To Scampie, I have a p3 450 processor and it runs smooth as silk on mine. I rate your PC 3/10 not the map.
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#12 25 Jun 2000
Pure originality, beautiful solid map. I'm Not Worthy!
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#11 25 Jun 2000
Lots of good looking stuff. Nothing else.
but it's only worth a 3/10. A map should be able to be played and enjoyed. I get lag playing by myself.
if the q3 engine could handle all the ploys and shader effects and open areas, I mite look at the map in a better light. I shouldn't have to get a 1ghz processor and a gig of RAM to play a map made for a game with minimum system specs of more then half of what this map requires.
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#10 25 Jun 2000
fileplanet sucks my balls my big hairy did i say big i meant huge balls and this has nothing to do with quake but what the hell HALF LIFE NETCODE SUX ASS
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#9 25 Jun 2000
Lovely map, well made, but big. Too Big.
Far too big.
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#8 25 Jun 2000
It would be nice if I could download it...
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Lloyd M
#7 25 Jun 2000
Great map Zarathustra. All the hard work you put in on this one shows.
Lloyd M
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#6 25 Jun 2000
So, uh, on a completely unrelated note, when is Lun3dm2 (let's drink beer and shoot things) going to be reviewed? :)
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#5 25 Jun 2000
yes i am having problems down loading it as well as all the other file in this fucked up place.
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#4 25 Jun 2000
The map is nice but I don't have an SGI workstation. Sorry.
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#3 25 Jun 2000
Great map, one of my favorites. Nice texturing with overall different feel.
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#2 25 Jun 2000
I can't get any of the d/load links to work with Getright or GoZilla. Love to play it, love to rate it, but can't!
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#1 25 Jun 2000
decent sized pc?
my computer takes up 4 walls is this big enough?
mm....it doesn't have a monitor tho :(
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