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@Devils Right Hand Thank you very much for the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Xonotic and World of Padman versions of the map, I really appreciate it! All of these games are installed on my PC, so it's nice to know that this level can be played there too. At first I was wondering why this map was called TOXIC_FABRIC_QUAKE3, but I already figured out C:
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hi again i re check my.pk3 again,found again a small bugs,no need for a compile,i update the pk3 heres my map folder
app.mediafire.com/lce09he7ry3w1-to be sure i do a verify test on a clean quaKe3 folder only the 0.pk3/ect i have in my folder to be sure all textures/shader loaded only from the .pk3,in the clean folder i delete/textures/shader/models
-now i check the console and there was a missing rocket l image missing/and the helmet.tga,but the helmet.tga the console didnt say nothing missing ,i spot it on specing,maybe now the last time i update the .pk3 thats all what i again found
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@Tig for the review of Hotdog's map I'll do one soon. the original review feels a bit inappropriate and tone deaf now I've had a look at Unreal tournament. Here, I think any worthwhile feedback is already in the comments.
@Devils Right Hand - thanks for the heads up re discord. I do have an account there but I don't really use it. But am more than happy to get in touch with you through there first for testing and feedback for future releases
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Tig Rep. 2472
#5 03 Jul 2023
@HelterSkeleton : Please feel more than welcome to submit a review.
@Devils Right Hand : If you make a correction for the missing textures, I'm more than happy to update the review and the download. Amendments are always welcome.
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well here on lvl you cant PM, @helter how about discord did you have it Devils Right Hand#2240,there all of you can PM with me all kind of mapping stuff,after you told the trees textures i re check the .pk3 and yes its missing,this hapend while you port 5 different games cant help i update the .pk3 with the missing texture
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@Tig there are missing textures to trees in the secret area that remained with a clean install of Q3 which may be the textures referred to in the review. I noticed this while reviewing the map myself because I noticed that it had been on the queue for a while. Chuck Norris offers a little clue as to where to access the secret. And it will lead you to a hall of statues of the arena warriors for Q3. Also, I found the bots make a constant beeline into the slime while trying to access the RG from the top of the map. This was especially bad in CPM. There is also a reverse problem involving the slime. If one jumps into the slime flows, from under them in the pool, one gets trapped in here too requiring the kill trigger. I discovered this while searching for the secret when I heard an extra power-up spawn loading the map. For me, a map like this is always best-suited for a friendly LAN FFA due to the item load and its openness, that will prevent individuals from camping key rooms and items (this always pissed me off about online FFA matches and why I ultimately went to mods like instagib and excessive). I think this is where such a level works best. Definitely no good as a TDM (esp. competitively). If the author should read this: due to the openness, and lack of connectivity to the top of the map from the bottom, power-ups like the battlesuit, personal teleport and flight can be invaluable for navigation, and I would suggest these and a few more weapons instead of so many armours, distributed evenly throughout the map to attract players to other areas. I also noted the custom map objects were reduced in size. In the earlier decks they serve as cover. I would have kept them larger and perhaps put less in. I think the person who reviewed the previous version led you astray with his scaling suggestions. I was ignorant to this map until now, not having played UT, but there are many conversions here on LvL, one that I even reviewed. And if it is ok @Tig I think I might submit an updated review with this in mind. What the author has done with the teleporters, generators and crystals is great, but I think the podiums would have looked much better scaled up and placed in the secret temple. Where they sit now looks aesthetically out of place.
Edited 12.68 minutes after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#2 29 Jun 2023
@Geniraul : Perfect, thank you. Review has been updated with this information.
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More of an issue is the fenced area around three toxic tanks on the lower floor. You can fall (or jump) into this space and the only escape option is to RocketJump out (if you can) or self kill on the console.
It is actually possible to escape from there without rocket jumping or using the /kill command: youtu.be/Z6lXPN5cZ-4. However, it is true that this is quite difficult to implement.
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