COLVMS by JonnYReds
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#2   21 Jun 2019
Just WOW! This mapper obviously loves his instagib*, and it shows, with a very fun and thoughtfully laid out railgun level on show here. For a first release this will be hard to beat, but I look forward to checking out Rino's other releases. Don't be fooled by the review - this is definitely worth checking out and it is large enough to support up to 8 players i think. The lift to the quad is a nice touch and to his credit Rino hasn't gone overboard with the inclusion of novel features. I really can't fault it. A definite keeper!

  • this is not technically an instagib map as it contains health, power-ups, armour, but would obviously work well on an instagib server designed specifically with the railgun in mind.
Edited 21.72 minutes after the original posting.
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Obsessed Rep. 690
#1   13 Nov 2018
If it's difficult for you to imagine Hell, just play this level! ;D
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