by ZaRR
SonicBoil by ZaRR
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#8   25 Dec 2023
I loved messing about on the higher areas of this map but having to walk all the way back up sucked... needs some jumppads :)

@Spike Personally, I also wouldn't mind a jump pad to get from the smaller RL / large building area to the SG/YA room, but you can use either GH, RL + BS or Flight to access the room without taking any self-damage, at that there's also a possibility to rocket overjump the border to save some time by avoiding going through the large building. A jump pad from Invisibility to the topmost zone with the RL woud be cool too, IMO.

I was originally planning to record a couple of shorter videos on SONICBOIL for later, but I did it now, as there's an occasion and an intensive discussion about the map :) Linking it here for those interested:

Edit: [grammar correction :P]
Edited 1.94 days after the original posting.
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Spike Rep. 487
#7   23 Dec 2023
Oh, i still enjoyed the map for sure. But it was from a time well before I started multiplayer properly, and what really floats my boat are maps that are fun to move around. I loved messing about on the higher areas of this map but having to walk all the way back up sucked... needs some jumppads :)
I don't remember about the flight powerup...
But grapple would fix all those issues. Might have to give it a go aha

Edit: Yeah my original comment didn't sound all to positive in retrospect XD
Edited 1.27 minutes after the original posting.

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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#6   22 Dec 2023
@Tig I usually only press the "Disagree" button on comments that I think are complaining or on such that consciously try to neglect or insult something/someone. I am not accusing Spike of anything, of course.

For me this was one of the first custom releases (as for those that I downloaded directly from ..::LvL), too. I played it for the first time back in 2017, and it automatically became one of my favorite maps despite its partly intentionally quirky nature. Sure, the amount of lava on this level can feel too excessive (maybe this exact fact was not intentional), but there's the Grappling Hook, Flight power-up and various platforms (including moving ones) that allow for some fast and fun movement, flying, ferry crossing and even parkour :)

I'm currently at the end of writing a review for SPIKECTF1. I'll be more than happy to write one for SONICBOIL too, once I'm finished with the review for SPIKECTF1 and have enough time.

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Tig Rep. 2422
#5   22 Dec 2023
@Geniraul : Very curious about your disagreements to Spike's comment and of adding this as a secondary review. I personally found the comment positive, accurate and fun.

Please feel welcome to send in an alternative review or include a comment.

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Tig Rep. 2422
#4   21 Dec 2023
@Spike : Added you comment as a review for this map. Felt it was a perfect summary of this release.
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Spike Rep. 487
#3   21 Dec 2023
One of, if not, THE FIRST custom map I ever played. Layout makes no sense, one missed step and its another 2 min trip back up to the top. Distances too great for anything but rail, utter madness. Perfect for an 8 year old bot enjoyer as I was at the time XD
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Johnny Dagger Rep. 24
#2   26 Aug 2018
I like retro gaming!😎 Amazing.more sonic the hedgehog please.
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ZaRR Rep. 48
#1   13 Apr 2018
This is an old version, I have fixed lighting and bugfixed version.
Maybe later I'll upload.
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