Hydra by Pat Howard
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#10   18 Oct 2020
This is probably my favorite Pat Howard map. Even though I'd argue Trespass has slightly better gameplay / flow, Hydra is not that far behind, and the industrial setting is really awesome. The readme states that he wanted a sort of modern Mayan-style aesthetic, which, coincidentally or not, has a similar design philosophy to his other excellent map Goldleaf, which is essentially a modern-day take on ancient Roman architecture. In any case Pat Howard is an intelligent and accomplished mapper, and his gameplay guides are enormously helpful.
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#9   18 Oct 2020
No words! Really. This map is at another level. The atmosphere is greatly achieved. You really feel like in some sort of industrial station. The details are amazing.
And the gameplay... oh wow. Item placement is so smart. This is truly among my top 10 duel maps! So addictive!
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#8   18 Jan 2016
I'm loving these Pat Howard maps like seriously there's something different about them to the rest like I have this weird tingly feeling when playing them and it's a good feeling trust me. Keep it up Pat!
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octav unregistered
#7   02 Nov 2015
Thanks fo help; @tig: - it worked, altough I really didnt found those previously missing textures in the map pk3... @V1979: I renamed the .shader and it works, fortunately with all other pk3-s in baseq3 - many custom maps and bots. Again, an excellent map, congrats Pat!.
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V1979 Rep. 315
#6   01 Nov 2015
Maybe, it would be enough to rename .shader files in this .pk3.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#5   01 Nov 2015
@octav: There are no missing textures for me when playing the map. It is possible that another map has a shader error and that is causing a chain reaction of errors.

A good way to test is to remove all other PK3 files from your baseq3 directory except the official PK3 file and hydra.pk3 - then run the game again. Just move the others to a different directory for testing.

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octav unregistered
#4   01 Nov 2015
Very nice map, thanks Pat. Some textures (12) are missing, for example metb-light3/1_on; jumpad_dust_outer; env//hip-miramar;; lamp_small_red_3/2/1 and others; where to get them?, they are not in the pk3 thanks
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Hipshot Rep. 256
#3   14 Sep 2015
A very solid color range here Pat.
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phantazm11 Rep. 64
#2   11 Sep 2015
Looks fantastic Pat. Awesome use of textures and space. Great job man!
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pat howard Rep. 422
#1   11 Sep 2015
thanks for the review, czghost!
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