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#21 18 Jul 2003
excellent map 1 of my favorites!
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#20 24 Mar 2001
I'm afraid there's no slime trigger there...you'll have to gib you opponents the "old fashioned" way.
I moved to another city about a year ago and closed my cable account and web page. Don't worry, you didn't miss much.
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#19 21 Mar 2001
well, the sign "better gibbing through technology", the acid tunnel, and the two open gates seems to look like there is a way to flood the tunnel with acid. if this is true, where the hell is the trigger to activate this "Schadenfreude" ? :-)
another thing:
Cornleius members.home.net/q3maps
you`re homepage is down.
thanks for help, aah, and almost forgot: damn good map this is, indeed! :)
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#18 20 Jul 2000
Very cool map. The best thing is that you are not stuck to a route once you choose it as in most other ctf maps. There's always room for "Plan B" :).
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Drunken Boxer
#17 16 Jun 2000
Good layout. Nice originality. Too big (what's with all the huge CTF maps?!).
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#16 13 Jun 2000
I don't know if it's the textures or the layout or what, but my rockets seem to find their mark more often on this level. I get more "... ate swr's rocket" messages, even with the bots on Nightmare. It makes for a fun game.
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#15 10 Jun 2000
Sorry, I just didn't like the decor... and it is waaaaaaay too big. I also dislike intensely a map where the flag appears to be incidental to the base rather than its focus. 3/10
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#14 07 Jun 2000
It's possible to get stuck in the wall. ('Downstairs')
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The unadulterated Arse
#13 30 May 2000
Not bad, not back, what am i on this map is fucking brilliant, classy and complex. It brings back those good old quake 2 memories. Quake 2 had fucking brilliant CTF, i loved loki minions ctf packs, anyway bye all.
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#12 21 May 2000
Brilliant CTF, could do with more intelligent bots. It still gets a 10 because it is so good.
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#11 08 Apr 2000
If you only download one CTF, make it this one - top effort.
Cornelius - repect!
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#10 08 Apr 2000
Thanks for all the positive feedback...Sorry about the bots, I know they don't perform that well, especially getting them to use the lower level.
Two new DM maps (or maybe CTF?) are in the works...I'm also willing to discuss donating maps to organized mod projects (i.e. ones that will make it past the beta stages).
I've noticed that very few of the third-party maps out there are hosted on servers...are they mostly used in LAN parties?
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#9 07 Apr 2000
May I suggest a 20 player CTF?
This map clearly demonstrates some fine mapping skills. Design is excellent- from layout and flow all the way to the fine details. For example, the colored accents indicating what base you were in were subtle yet very effective.
This map ranks up with CTF3 and 3WCTF3- definately a 10
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#8 07 Apr 2000
I'm not really a ctf fan but there's always exceptions - this looks great and plays well (apart from bots) - oh yeah baby
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#7 06 Apr 2000
Well the bot play wasn't very good, but then it never really is in CTF. =( But still it was nice for on-line matches and IMO this could work as a Q3F map (I dunno if they're looking for anymore but it just seemed like it would work to me). If you like the Tec mod this map plays very well for it I found, had several fun online games and even an enjoyable 2 matches with bots that way. Certainly a nice change. 7.5 outa 10 rounded up to 8.
Happy Fraggin! Octovus
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#6 05 Apr 2000
I hate capture the flag for quake but this map ruled. It got messy and fast in the hall ways. (the reason i dont like q3 ctf) i was the only one going for the flag.even sending all my bots was a waste of time with any number of players. Yes i had to get dirty ...hehehe
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#5 05 Apr 2000
So everyone has hellacious LAN's, eh? I've always found CTF custom maps a bit of a let down cause by the time you get a couple bots running--if they are smart at all (not!)---the fps has slowed enough it's hardly playable.
That's why tourney maps rock, boyee!
Nice map, though. :)
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Johnny Law
#4 05 Apr 2000
Glad this map finally got posted here... easily one of the best CTF maps currently available.
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#3 05 Apr 2000
This is an awesome map!! the bots suck, agreed, but still, with humans, this map ranks above most maps that i have yet seen...
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#2 05 Apr 2000
This is a sweet CTF map. If you're a CTF player this is really a must have... it's just fun as hell.
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#1 05 Apr 2000
This is a winner.
With the Fast N Furious mod, it gets pretty intense, as the enemy bots will hoard the quad and camp their own flag.
My only complaint is that the bots almost always come in through the long hallway, allowing you lenty of time to line up the Rail shots.
Still, this is pretty damn fun stuff.
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