Lo Tek
Lo Tek by Takkie
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#6   14 Dec 2020
Ahhhh yes, the placing of the items. I should have had some beta testers for this map. The placement would have been improved easily. I tried to keep some logic but by the time I finished this map the layout of the map itself had changed many times, significantly... And the item placement changed accordingly numerous times.
A bit of shame.
Still thanks for the compliment on the other points. Perhaps the map is still good for a round of instagib or'slugs and rockets' ;)
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#5   12 Dec 2020
I had high expectations judging from the image. That round+squared design looks really great. The atmosphere of the map is cool. I love the lighting textures too, very clever. But I agree with the review. Item placement is not good. I also found myself many times grabbing the GL, moving on to a different floor which then took me back to the GL. Something in the map's connectivity seemed odd. I just couldn't get the hang of it.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#4   16 Jun 2019
I like the sparse aesthetics of takkie's tourney/small ffa maps. good for sighting and the aesthetics don't get ruined if your picmipping the maps. I liked the mention of item placement in the review as well.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#3   25 Jul 2012
Hmm, looks much interesting...
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#2   25 Jul 2012
A big improvement Takkie. It's nice to experiment with different styles of textures for your maps. 8.5/10
Edited: 25 Jul 2012 AEST
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Anonymous unregistered
#1   25 Jul 2012
So old school. I really love it.
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