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I just put the bsp and bspc in the same folder & type bspc -bsp2aas <mapname>.bsp. It's easier for me that way, & there's not as much clutter in the batch file. But I think this map is an OK level, not really that interesting, but I'd grab it for a gander if you wish.
Edited 7 seconds after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2162
#9 18 Jul 2012
@SW12: bspc.exe is the tool (command line program) that is used to create the bot files (.aas files) from the "level" files (.bsp files).
Place bspc.exe in the same folder (not required really, but makes things easier) as the pk3 files. Open a dos window (cmd window) and navigate to the folder.... then type:
bspc -bsp2aas "<pk3 file>.pk3\maps/<bsp file>.bsp"
Yes, the \ and / are correct if you are doing this for a pk3 file.
Does that make sense at all? It is all documented in the bspc.txt which is part of the download for the source tools.
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@Anonymous: Where do you type that?
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bspc.exe you may find in GTKRadiant
I created prejudice2 only for net-play. And fights on the pre2 are very very coooool !
Edited: 08 Jul 2012 AEST
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#6 08 Jul 2012
You may create aas-file by using this command:
bspc.exe -bsp2aas prejudice2.bsp
But bot are very stupid on this map :(
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#5 04 Jul 2012
SW12, it doesn't work that way......:)
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prejudice by Spirit was the base for this map. If you simply kept the .aas file of that map and copied it onto here to have bot support, then I would have considered downloading the map.
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Damm no bot support. I have got to say, It's a much bigger improvement from your last maps.
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For me doesn't seems to be boring.
I think it is wasted idea.
I could be good map, but these bright color lights :/ and very simple brushes... And bots aren't supported. Overall, not so good.
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A bit boring level... 5/10
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