Tigger-oN Goes Q*bert
Tigger-oN Goes Q*bert by Tigger-oN
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#88   06 Jan 2012
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Kyall Rep. 417
#87   10 Dec 2011
Looks heaps awesome! Also good because no one can camp! 10/10
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DX10.1 unregistered
#86   02 Jul 2011
ZOMG! 10/10
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#85   13 Jun 2011
A 10 year old map and it still has some replay value. But it's really more for those who are fans of Q*bert.
Edited 1184.22 days after the original posting.
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Alex unregistered
#84   05 May 2011
LOL! a 8!
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#83   15 Feb 2010
Thanks Tigger-oN.


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Tig Rep. 1732
#82   15 Feb 2010
@PaN61: Not sure why the link did not work for you originally, it should have. You do NOT need to be a member to download the files either - so that would have just been coincidence.

As to the downloads, I've made a dm_68 demo available with about 30 bots (for some reason I could not get 32 bots working, the game would just crash) and I've put up a 30 second video as well.

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PaN61 Rep. 393
#81   13 Feb 2010
Tigger-oN, I finally found out why the short demo download link didn't work! (In my case) You have to be a member and you have to login to be able to download the short demo, but if your not a member and your not logged in, you can't download the short demo.

Edited: 13 Feb 2010 AEST

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PaN61 Rep. 393
#80   13 Feb 2010
Tigger-oN, did you fix the short demo download link because the short demo download link finally works, I don't know why it didn't work before.


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PaN61 Rep. 393
#79   06 Feb 2010
Tigger-oN, is there by any chance you could also make the same demo work with windows media player?


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Tig Rep. 1732
#78   06 Feb 2010
The link works for me, but the demo is in DM3 format, which is not compatible with the current engine. If I get a chance I'll make a new demo or look for a converter.
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#77   06 Feb 2010
Tigger-oN, the download link for the short demo doesn't work, where can I download the short demo from?

Edited: 06 Feb 2010 AEST

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esIMAGE unregistered
#76   15 Feb 2009
LOL thats the best review you guys have ever given!!!
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Maimbot unregistered
#75   16 Oct 2008
Greatest map evah! Love the intricate flow and item placement. Good brush work too.
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#74   06 Jun 2006
I always liked this map for instagib. Bounce-Shoot-Bounce-Shoot =>
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Tryhard Rep. 42
#73   05 Jun 2006
Maybe the funniest Quake ]I[ Arena map ever!
Great nightmare bot demo! Amazing sounds!
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AngelShadow18 unregistered
#72   04 Sep 2004
very funny, and weird at the same time ;)

my nine-month old son gets a smile from it.


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MajorDick unregistered
#71   24 Nov 2001
Damn, I just D/L'd this map. That was about the best laugh I've hade in a long time! Now I just need to get high and check it out.

I'd like to see more fun maps like that.

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The Kumara unregistered
#70   15 Dec 2000
YEAH! I play this map every day. Some fine work there!
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antimatter unregistered
#69   05 Nov 2000

Looks like I'm a little late getting this thing...

but regardless, this is high-on-weed fun for the whole family!

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bakakuso unregistered
#68   13 Jul 2000
The best map ever of all time. This map revolutionizes first person shooters.
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266MHz[BM3] unregistered
#67   03 Jul 2000
nice map
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CATFISH unregistered
#66   27 Jun 2000
I love this map! ITS so much fun.
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hyena unregistered
#65   05 Jun 2000
hehe...very very fun. Despite of the April's fool idea, I kept it... it's a good rail-training center;->
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hmm unregistered
#64   03 Jun 2000
tigger on has a GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR
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Rave unregistered
#63   03 May 2000
I always come on time. Or sometimes i'm too lazy to post a comment and i wait weeks and weeks.

this map is like....GOD!

ENginuity! originality!gampelay! ah!

Id are probably soo jealous ;)

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Zero Cool unregistered
#62   09 Apr 2000
Glad to see that people have enjoyed my demo =)
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g1zm0 unregistered
#61   09 Apr 2000
hehe, I had fun playing this one....nice theme :P

I loved the sounds

ingenius Tigger =)

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Bauul unregistered
#60   08 Apr 2000
There seams to be a problem with the download. The link must be wrong. Instead of the masterpiece Tigger described, the link d/ls a small obviuosly test map for jump pads.

Please will Tig check his links before posting a map. This was most upsetting and tramatic for myself and my family.

And what's all this about an "April Fool" thing?


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SystemKrash unregistered
#59   07 Apr 2000
Someone should make a map like this but alot bigger
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[STH]Capuchin unregistered
#58   07 Apr 2000
Absolutely bloody brilliant!!!!

Need I say more?!?!

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SiCdeth unregistered
#57   06 Apr 2000
i like how u put in that screenshot from another map on the loading screen! awesome map, hmm i wonder how long it took you to make, one question, whats the button for all the way at the top of the map?
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haha unregistered
#56   06 Apr 2000
i hope my Q3PACMANDM1 level can compete with these maps up here in the big league
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... unregistered
#55   05 Apr 2000
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Kruge99 unregistered
#54   05 Apr 2000
I downloaded this map just to see the "april_fools" demo that was made - totally cuel!!! This should create a "Q3A-Bert" mod following - more complex maps with varying levels of skill required to get to other areas of the map... Huh?!? [Big-Grin]
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sponge unregistered
#53   05 Apr 2000
It's been done, as a Q1 map. I used to have it, but alas, I lost my copy of Quake1 on my CD-RW. It just doesn't show up anymore. I really do like it though! I think it backfired =-)
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Hal9000 unregistered
#52   04 Apr 2000
Hey "You Suck," can you read?

Sir Frags A Lot, didn't know this was a forum for tech support, lol.

I wish I had seen this on April 1.. pretty damn funny

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Sir Frags A Lot unregistered
#51   04 Apr 2000
Hello can somebody help me I have bought a new 3d card replaced it for the old one but now when I play q3 arena the game hangs does anybody have any ideas please try to give me some ideas.
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You suck unregistered
#50   04 Apr 2000
this map blows ass.. why the fuck is it #1?
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Rostking unregistered
#49   04 Apr 2000
Not a bad idea! But............

I don't like this map very much! :-(

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John Ballem unregistered
#48   04 Apr 2000
Ah man! I was taken in "hook, line and sinker"! ;c)

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phojekt unregistered
#47   03 Apr 2000

i said rail practice who said anything about railling..

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chu chu rocket unregistered
#46   03 Apr 2000
haha, this map is great when yer REALLY BAKED.

check the map out with the excessive mod at its INSANITY!

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DakPowers unregistered
#45   03 Apr 2000
omg this is like the funniest map i have ever seen. runtfest is better tho : )
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Niptlar unregistered
#44   03 Apr 2000
Yeah, this had to be my favorite prank. The Doomworld/Doomnation swap was okay (better than PQ).
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Octovus unregistered
#43   03 Apr 2000
Yeah as has been said here OMG its actually fun (though the music is kind of annoying, you can just turn it off). And as phojekt said, this is REALLY good for railing practice =)
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SystemKrash unregistered
#42   03 Apr 2000
I dont care if ya made it for an APRIL FOOL's. I think this map is really fun, and gets better the more people you have playing.
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LuNaTiC unregistered
#41   03 Apr 2000
I mentioned this map in my news this morning over @ www.quake3mods.net. Good job Tigger-On much better than PQ's attempt at a april foolz joke.
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dr0id unregistered
#40   03 Apr 2000
kewl map

i played it for 3 hours :))))

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pUq3 unregistered
#39   03 Apr 2000
So all we need now is a Q-Bert model for Q3 =)

Oh, and a "#%@$!"-balloon as taunt..

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SW unregistered
#38   03 Apr 2000
qbert rules
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phojekt unregistered
#37   03 Apr 2000
bounce bounce, nice rail practice
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Krash unregistered
#36   02 Apr 2000
playing the map with 15 bots is actually suprisingly fun
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Dan unregistered
#35   02 Apr 2000
That was kinda fun actually!


Ps-Tiger On what? hehe

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Dan unregistered
#34   02 Apr 2000
That was kinda fun actually!


Ps-Tiger On what? hehe

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Scampie unregistered
#33   02 Apr 2000
is it a bad thing if this is rated higher then acual maps? =)
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Kilagan unregistered
#32   02 Apr 2000
an amazing map!! but it wouldn't be complete without a tigger skin LOL!!
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#31   02 Apr 2000
wow... glad everyone has enjoyed the April Fools map! :]

Mandog and I just wanted to have a bit of fun with you all, and to say thanx helping to make this site so great!

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Vondur unregistered
#30   02 Apr 2000
! ! ! R O F L ! ! !
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WTF? unregistered
#29   02 Apr 2000
That was gay
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RedFive unregistered
#28   02 Apr 2000
No 11s? Too bad! I'll just put in 10 every week! Now THAT is originality that was very needed in map design! I hope this map stays alive the whole year !!! As we say in french, POISSON D'AVRIL !!!
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FoLLgoTT unregistered
#27   02 Apr 2000
10! 10! 10! This level design is light years ahead from all levels out there!!! It is so much better! This complexity, beautiful lighting, god like texturing and a chard breaking music makes this level the king of level evolution!!!
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Fez unregistered
#26   02 Apr 2000
A few of the jumppads was way out of place. Otherwise an excellent map!
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Pappy-R unregistered
#25   02 Apr 2000
LOL! My little girl overheard the tune, and JUST HAD to see it. That added five more minutes to my stay in the level. ugh. Good one Tig!
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Sir Frags A Lot unregistered
#24   02 Apr 2000
This makes you totally crazy the music is great it plays fantastic it's nuts but not a real quake map so I give it a 9
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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#23   02 Apr 2000
This is so brilliant I scrapped all my upcoming maps... genius at work. =]
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AmranX unregistered
#22   01 Apr 2000
This is truly the best map I've ever seen in the history of Quake! :)


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Baows unregistered
#21   01 Apr 2000
Wait a minute...something's wrong here...A ha! The screenshot for this map's all messed up!!!!
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A Loser unregistered
#20   01 Apr 2000
OMG i found a server running this map! ROFL!
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dr0KheaD unregistered
#19   01 Apr 2000
Yeah, givin maps names of cool songs roxx!!

System of a Down roxx!!

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the_j {nl} unregistered
#18   01 Apr 2000
I really liked the map although the item placement could have been a bit better and i really missed the mega-health on this level.

Good one Tig :)

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fred unregistered
#17   01 Apr 2000
incredible map
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Niptlar unregistered
#16   01 Apr 2000
I was wondering why the .zip was only 260k, why the recommended size was 2-8 players, and lack of anything Q*Bert in the .pic.

Nice map!

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bone collector unregistered
#15   01 Apr 2000
By far the best level I've seen yet. Way better than any od Id's

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Visceral Monkey unregistered
#14   01 Apr 2000
The BEST map i've ever played..amazing and a MUST download..
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mowlie unregistered
#13   01 Apr 2000
an awesome level - this is vintage quake3 - a pure skillz map which looks sweet and plays like a dream. i was practically sweating at the keyboard with all that mad action.
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MogWaEE unregistered
#12   01 Apr 2000
This one is plain GREAT!!! Great concept, and great architecture!
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Jim unregistered
#11   01 Apr 2000
I was wondering why it was only a 270k download.

Interesting concept- but I think the lighting could have been better-

For once, a map with low r_speeds!!

Thanks Tig-

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Rokscott unregistered
#10   01 Apr 2000
I think this map is so brilliant I've e-mailed it to all my friends.

Even the ones who haven't got Quake3 on there P.C. :-)

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rubicant unregistered
#9   01 Apr 2000
beyond inspiring. i'm sure we'll be seeing clones in a couple days or so. and adroit, get the stick out of your ass. :)
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pSyCh0d3LLaCyZ3D unregistered
#8   01 Apr 2000
the mapper has been eating mad shr00ms producing these newly found mad skills of his!

i am once again an april foo :)

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Almost Human unregistered
#7   01 Apr 2000
LMFAO...good one
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Poop Chef unregistered
#6   01 Apr 2000
exellent design and gameplay. This map puts all others onto the short bus.

!!!! 10 !!!!

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not entered unregistered
#5   01 Apr 2000
excellent framerates
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Johnny Law unregistered
#4   01 Apr 2000
I could play this map for hours! Outstanding!

I do have some minor nitpicks about item placement though, so I can only give it a 9.

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Adroit unregistered
#3   01 Apr 2000
Huh... lame april fools jokes suck ass. Well, obviously since they're hurtin' lame.
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Quaker--X unregistered
#2   01 Apr 2000
OMG!!! This is the best map i have ever played!!!! Keep it up! (hehe)
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laerth unregistered
#1   01 Apr 2000
haha, nice one tig.
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