Ciudad de Torres
Ciudad de Torres by Guillenet74
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kokoa Rep. 169
#10   15 Sep 2013
Certainly it has some things that need to be fixed and you can tell is a first one, but I've found it interesting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#9   11 Jan 2012
Just a few textures need fixing..
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Anonymous unregistered
#8   09 Mar 2011
Ciudad de Torres means city of towers
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asd unregistered
#7   25 Jan 2010
Try changing to a consistant color scheme and it could at least look pretty nice
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#6   24 Jan 2010
i just what to take this opportunity to thank pat for his helpful review. While it comes across a bit harsh for the author it is always great to see reviews from people with mapmaking experience.
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fKd Rep. 420
#5   23 Jan 2010
i can not emphasize what tig said enough. the community really are the best place possible on the net for idtech3 mappers.... so much experience and great honest feedback. i owe the peeps over there a lot for pushing me as a mapper esp AEon, sock, obsidian, pat howard, kaz etc etc etc... the list goes on..... great group!
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Tig Rep. 2422
#4   23 Jan 2010
Guille (and Anonymous brother): ..::LvL is about honest feedback in order to help the author improve on their next work, where every map is reviewed next to others - not by its self and not for one feature - but as a finished work. For this reason I hope you can see the problems in the map and take the advice and feedback being offered. Jump on the Quake3World Forums - the people over there are excellent at helping each other.
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AEon Rep. 810
#3   23 Jan 2010
be sure to suggest that he visit/join the Q3A mapping forum (Q3W LEM) mentioned below. I am sure he will be able to learn a lot... we all did over there :)
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Anonymous unregistered
#2   22 Jan 2010
I'm brother of the autor of this map, actually he has potential, a lot in architecture speaking. Is one of his firsts maps, he has a lot of imagination and patience in his work, but actually, he has poor knowledge on online play, playability, etc.

He's just recieving my advice on this map, to review all the bugs, glithces and all about playability.

Review was exellent, believe me, it's my brother, I know him, he is aaaaaaaall about architecture, but he has poor FPS experience xD

He just does this as a hobby, and of course, he's a begginer. But a good one IMO xD

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AEon Rep. 810
#1   22 Jan 2010
The author should really join Quake3World - Level Editing & Modeling... and run map betas there:

Bugs: z-fighting, missing textures (for Vanilla Quake3), vis does not seem to work at all (50K r_speeds), this would have required hinting... plus other issues.

Design: Actually looks quite interesting, but mirroring the map - just so - is a bit boring, IMO.

I'd also agree the mapper has potential, and good ideas, these only need to be refined somewhat (technically).

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