The Vomitorium
The Vomitorium by Obsessed
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#9   16 Jun 2019
@obsessed: re how I got a beta version.
sorry I only just got back to the comments section now.
well I can't tell you for sure.
but I have a very large folder, full of maps, so it could have come from that folder and not from a direct download here. as to how that got into my folder - well it could have come from anywhere. I get around.
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Anonymous unregistered
#8   06 Jun 2011
I wish, I had his contacts.. to offer him just to take a look at this.
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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#7   23 Apr 2011
I never got the opportnunity to play this back in the Q1/QW days but still have some knowledge of the original. The review is spot-on from my perspective - maybe too many changes and the theme is a little bit of a mixed bag of textures, a bit elaborate and overwhelming too (although somehow still attractive in a way).

ztndm6 was Sven's favorite of his own maps so it's a pity he never got around to doing a remake for Q3.


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Obsessed Rep. 690
#6   27 Sep 2010
"Ok - so the jesus object on the wall is big and ugly"
Mark, could you, please, explain, HOW you downloaded temprorary beta version, considering, that link provides final version w/o any Jesuses on the walls?
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#5   01 Aug 2010
Ok - so the jesus object on the wall is big and ugly - and well it's jesus... haven't we evolved from organised religion and the worship of suffering yet... but otherwise it's just the bees knees, when you rattle it around... lol ps: really nice job on the review speaker : )
Edited: 01 Aug 2010 AEST
Edited 3241.63 days after the original posting.
Edited 3241.64 days after the original posting.
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cityy unregistered
#4   23 Jul 2009
Can't wait for a next map by obsessed ;)
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   23 Jul 2009
I like the Height, the lighting cooperates with the scheme for me...
I would have maybe 4 soldiers in there hmm nasty surprises
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Ian "Foralarx" Wilson unregistered
#2   12 Jul 2009
This is a great conversion of one the stand out mapper's maps to have ever hit the quake scene. Whilst I personally don't remember the orginal (I really only hit the third party map scene when I switched from Q1 to Q2), I did wonder why the red armour was a one way afair. Very unlike ZTN. That said a simple plasma hop (it gives the least amount of damage - much less than RJ'ing) and you are out of the RA pit.

The quad is a simple single strafe jump from the top of the jump pad and back again ... no big deal at all and the mega is even easier to get. The more advanced will have soon clicked that the RG / bottom YA can be picked up real quick and you can be across the waterhole from the yellow armour in a single strafe and on your way to the LG / MH. Sod using the stairs around the pillar. Though the pillar is great for slipping in a quick up close and rather personal SG shot as you jump across the water pit whilst your enemy is coming up the stairs ;). I've got in a fair few kills using that tactic, as I continued on my way to the TP to the RL.

I'm of the opinion that a visual teleporter should enhance gameplay and tactics. And therefore not every teleporter in the level should be a visual one. But this has been the mapper's prerogative. Personally I would have made the one from the RL to the RG / YA pit visual and the RA pit + RG / YA pits non visual to add to that cat and mouse feel.

The texture and detail level on the map is hugely complex and very vivid as mentioned in Speaker's review. It may not be to everyone's taste but you know what I kind of like it, in a macabre sort of way. Besides which when you are speeding around the map you really don't tend to notice it too much.

My only real grumble (one mapper to another - I've had this passed onto me by many an other mapper) .... test your maps in a clean install ... you would have noticed you forgot to pack the lift sounds in ;) [Rather annoying dink dink noise for anyone that doesn't have another map with the lift sounds included).

All in all though, I'd say we have a great map packed up here. And it's def. worth stopping by for a round or two. Two thumbs up from me.

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Obsessed Rep. 690
#1   11 Jul 2009
Ok, greatest thnx 4 review, but nesessary addition: for advanced players I recommend to play on this conversion of ztndm6 with "Lakerbot" (nightmare skill, of course), that can be found in the net. When A BOT plays so well, that sometimes you need to hide from him on such tight level, there IS a reason to make telepotrers transparent, I think. The same about the quad and MH - my opinion is: bots should imitate advanced player, they must be able to take any item on level, even if it's hard for humans to take it. And a quad.. quad can be taken in a 2 ways: double jumping from upper hallway or simple jumping from jump pad, second way is easier. I must confess, it's a reverance to the advanced players side.. :) sorry, guys :)
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