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Yep, the bots have a small ledge they can climb across that allows them to reach these points. To see it in action, add two bot and go into spectator mode (in the console type: \team spectator).
Most likely the special shader called a botclip was used.
For some discussion on the use of botclip try this link:
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#11 17 Feb 2016
This is odd... I'm the only guy who sees the bots "levitating" or "walking over air" to get across two areas in this map? I mean, how the hell do the bots get the mega health or go across the broken ramp?
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Textures looked like they were from 'Frozen Ice By Ghost'. Impressive map. 10/10.
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#9 14 Jun 2009
Excellent flow and bot play is as good as it gets. I really like the lightning and cohesiveness of the texture work.
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Thank you Mark! I will look for this map.
Those two are in my baseq3 already but thank you :)
btw: sad that there aren't more q4 to q3 conversions :/
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cityy: i havent seen any q4 to q3 conversions but if you played lukins "a man called sun" on q4 the q3 origional can be found in the polish duel mappack on lvl. ps: if you liked phantazm's dark ritual download battle forged
Edited: 11 May 2009 AEST
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Wow I was searching for this map a long time! Great that it is here on lvl. :) We all know how fine this map is so I don't have to tell stories here ;D
Could anyone tell me if there are more Q4 conversations here on lvl?
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#4 28 Jan 2009
re comment #1 - your a cheeky donkey, aren't you : ). but there's fairness to your points. visual style isn't relly focussed upon as much as it probably should be in the reviews section and i don't have enough of a working knowledge of mapmaking to provide constructive feedback in that area so i always feel my reviews are lacking in that respect. having produced alot of creative maps a much more detailed response on your views of design and aesthetics would be appreciated by reviewers and map-makers alike and i am being sincere when i say that. with respect to the whole promode vs vq3 thing i don't really subscribe to the whole cpma snobbery thing - in many respects the limitations of vq3 movement make vq3 the more challenging of the 2 in terms of gameplay and skill. i personally find the specifics of cpma make movement alot easier and my preference is purely on the basis of personal enjoyment of the movement based aspect of cpma more than any real belief in it being better. are you really that retarded a player??? - i doubt that but my overriding sense of fraternity over a game i love sees no judgement on individual players based on their level of skill at playing.i have played with people both less and more skilled than myself and their maturity and personable nature as people always made the games enjoyable ones even if the games werent evenly matched. kind regards, mark
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#3 25 Dec 2008
Everything is just in top! Really nice work, texture, construction, item placement and bot suppport works perfectly.
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#2 23 Dec 2008
Awfully reminds on sokar3dm5.
Solid map, fun for a few plays, nothing more.
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So...if its aimed at 'pro-players' it has to be good yeah?...meh
You know, great layout etc, but I like something to look at, being a retarded player :)
Edited: 29 Nov 2008 AEST
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