Pampuch 4ever
by Rota
Pampuch 4ever by Rota
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#13   03 Oct 2012
These comments make my head sore from all of the facepalms. XD

In my opinion, this level could have had something like a secret airduct that you can crawl into that leads to a trapdoor to the ceiling of some corridor where you can drop in on and surprise someone. Preferably some camper.

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CZghost Rep. 1681
#12   19 Aug 2011
Sorry for my english, I don't speak english very well. My nick points to my coutry, where I live.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#11   19 Aug 2011
I've seen the smile in comment, but I didn't think, that text of the comment can be meant as joke.
Also wakey didn't write, what ghost playermodel he meant, and in CPMA is bug, that shows spawnpints as ghost player in facing direction.
If he wrote joke (hmm, 'XD' smile mustn't point at joke), then the joke isn't fun for me.
Also, smile 'XD' can point at using joint before talking. :-D))))
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#10   19 Aug 2011
Joke? Based on packman picture in levelshot? If that was joke, then the joke isn't fun anyway.
Also, check your map review (Ankor the flag). If something is wrong in review, write comment inside that.
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dONKEY unregistered
#9   19 Aug 2011
CZghost, it was meant as a joke dude. Wakey made a joke.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#8   18 Aug 2011
If someone uses packman playermodel, at spawnpoints will show his playermodel ghost (packman).
The spawnpoints copy player's model used in CPMA.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#7   18 Aug 2011
OK. I've tested map in VQ3 and CPMA. No "PackMan ghost" is in map. In VQ3, the map is purly with items, in CPMA, there are visible only the spawnpoints (and the direction of look).
So he propably meant spawnpoint ghosts...
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dONKEY unregistered
#6   18 Aug 2011
I'm pretty sure Wakey meant ghost models as in PacMan ghosts, not CPMA ghost spawns :))
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tehSandwich Rep. 20
#5   18 Aug 2011
Ghost playermodels are generated by spawnpoints in map. This is bug of Challenge ProMode gameplay technique and cannot be override by mapper. Also ghosts generated at spawnpoints are only in waiting stage (Waiting for players) or at warmup stage (The game begins in <seconds>). In real game the ghosts aren't visible.

This is less of a bug and more of an intended feature to point out where the spawn points are.

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CZghost Rep. 1681
#4   17 Aug 2011
Ghost playermodels are generated by spawnpoints in map. This is bug of Challenge ProMode gameplay technique and cannot be override by mapper. Also ghosts generated at spawnpoints are only in waiting stage (Waiting for players) or at warmup stage (The game begins in <seconds>). In real game the ghosts aren't visible.
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wakey Rep. 213
#3   09 Jul 2007
Lol, yeah. And some ghost playermodels too XD
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#2   09 Jul 2007
This map would be much more fun if someone made a PacMan Q3 player model. Chomp Chomp!
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#1   02 Jul 2007
q3 pacman...
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