Pampuch 4ever
by Rota

Release date: 30th of January 2007.
Quake3Arena DM/Tourney/team level.

Map: Pampuch 4ever
file: drum.pk3
Author: Rota
E-mail **email removed**
description: Map for 4-8 players
Its map inspirated by 3th level of old 2D game "Pampuch"
play information

tourney: yes
deathmatch: yes
team deathmatch: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
how to play: place drum.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3
select drum from the skrimish menu


base: none
editor: GTKRadiant 1.4.0
build time: 1 week

author: Sock
email: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**

-Beta testing: .HBO.
