The Rail Pit
The Rail Pit by Nickliff
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Geniraul Rep. 1476
#8   18 Aug 2023
One thing that I appreciate about this map is that it supports adding all 32 bots! :) 33 flying match participants :D
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#7   12 Sep 2011
Funny map, lots of telefrags too, gets better when you play it on Alternate Fire or Corkscrew. :P
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#6   26 Jan 2010
When I saw the picture of this map the first time, my first response was, what an interesting map.

It's really fun to rail bots and human players on nightmare, especially when you have excessive amounts of bots and players.

I love this map, 10/10.

Edited: 26 Jan 2010 AEST

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Anonymous unregistered
#5   05 May 2005
i did a map called base jumping back in 1999 & it was better than this & i still didn't send it to lvl!
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seremtan unregistered
#4   09 Oct 2004
where's cranky steve when you need him? what a load of one-dimensional pants.
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Q_3_A unregistered
#3   22 Sep 2004
It's not that bad...But it does get boring after a while...
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Kaziganthe unregistered
#2   18 Sep 2004
Actually the thing is, that this has been done before, and it was better than this, it's a map called freefall, and it had other elements than just the drop.
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{DEMO}LITION unregistered
#1   18 Sep 2004
Looks like you were bored to write the review as well :P :D

Download to drop five times and it's over. Could be fun with excessive amounts of players :P

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