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The map looks pretty awesome looking at the screenshot. I will download this map later to test it out :).
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Looks like I
m not alone. :)Are there any active CTF servers that support custom maps? I know CROM supports all the baseq3 maps and the ThreeWave maps but it doesn
t support anything outside that. If someone knows of such a server (preferably US-based, but better to play this map with high ping than not to play it at all) please let me know, maybe we can get a game going or something. :)
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A great classic-style gothic map that has no flaws in either visuals or gameplay it seems. Its nice and open which allows for breathing room after more claustrophobic games on maps like q3ctf2. Im very surprised this didn`t make it into the official ThreeWave mappack - it kicks butt.
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#3 03 Nov 2010
This is one hell of a map, especially with 6 people on each team. Bot play was great, weapon placement was superb, in short download this you'll have a blast!
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#2 19 Aug 2004
i like this level. it works for me. have a few of your maps and they are all kool!!
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#1 15 Aug 2004
Well for starters i would like to say this is a good (CTF). You did a great job on your texturing, and brush work was good. Item and weapon placment was really decent. My only complaint is that my thumb hurt like hell after i was done from all that wide open space jumping from one side to the next...phew!!! but hey it's still a very cool (CTF) map and i'll keep it around. I give it a nine. Bot's were also good playing on this map, but 10 on 10 w/human player's= kick ass time ;)
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