Asian Nights
Asian Nights by thefury
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#16   07 Jan 2012
Awesome naked chicks :)
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#15   13 Jun 2011
LOL yeah. use it to distract your opponents while you shoot them in the back.


@EmeraldTiger:T rating?? I thought Quake 3 was rated M.
Edited: 16 Jul 2011 AEST

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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#14   28 Mar 2011
At least it provides an effective strategy for giving perverted opponents the fist. Well, assuming they use r_picmip 0. ;)

Something tells me id is going to censor that image if they get their hands on this map... which is likely since theyve got Toxicity now. They should at least let someone contribute a sexy photo / drawing that doesnt violate the T rating.
Edited: 28 Mar 2011 AEST

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gooball Rep. 1091
#13   27 Mar 2011
I would have checked out this one if the naked person was not in the map. Quake 3 is not for putting things like that into a map. It ruins the purpose and is a distraction. I won't score it so don't worry. Sorry.

I agree.

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gooball Rep. 1091
#12   27 Mar 2011
Cool map! I love those shaders and textures, except, uhh... you know :)
Edited 1228.95 days after the original posting.
Edited 1228.95 days after the original posting.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#11   18 May 2010
"images of one's own making, urrrrggghhh..." [said homer-style]. but in all seriousness the irony of this map is you rarely have the time to dwell on the image and i've played entire games where i haven't even stopped down there to notice it = P this map has some really nice curves in it!

Edited: 18 May 2010 AEST

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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#10   21 Mar 2010
Embrace the dark. The female form displayed in this arena is far less explicit than what may be found on the walls of a museum of fine art. Actually, if one finds it more (or less) anatomically descriptive than desired, and provided plans aren't made to distribute or sell this level, photoshop may be used to replace the image with another of of one's own choosing.
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wakey Rep. 213
#9   16 Apr 2007
imo a good release ;)
and these "curves" are what i always missed in q3 :D
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sst13 unregistered
#8   14 Apr 2007
Changing the PK3 File will create a incompatible version of this map with the same name. This is shit! (and violates the authors copyrights)

If you can't handle this boobs, please don't play this great map!
Note: Set "r_picmip 16" will protect your eyes ans soul from the evil shapes of this human body. :D

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Ankur unregistered
#7   14 Apr 2007
The offending texture is blueish.tga in the custom folder in the textures folder.
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Ankur unregistered
#6   14 Apr 2007
Look, any offending texture can be deleted by opening up the .pk3, or if you have photoshop, you can even blacken it out.
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EZ unregistered
#5   26 Oct 2004
A+ Looks dam purdy too...
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dAde unregistered
#4   31 Jul 2004
Map just rox. Looks great, sweet gameplay, you just wanna play it and play it again...

About chicks. Don't looking at it when I'm running around after enemy ;).

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Lukin unregistered
#3   30 Jul 2004
Oh, come on guys, that woman is naked, but it is not xxx-hardcore-anal-whatever thing, just a bit of beautiful body. Don't be so prudish. I admit it could be more tasteful, but remember "beaty makes idiots sad" ;) So don't be sad, download this map and play it, because it's really worth it.
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redfella unregistered
#2   30 Jul 2004
hrmmm, the naked chicks is what made this map! I played this one a while ago... and I enjoyed it as much then as I do now. Great map, phukka. :D
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J2KoOl63 unregistered
#1   30 Jul 2004
I would have checked out this one if the naked person was not in the map. Quake 3 is not for putting things like that into a map. It ruins the purpose and is a distraction. I won't score it so don't worry. Sorry.
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