Ice Storm
Ice Storm by SoKaR
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#16   04 Oct 2020
What a map!! Very smartly done. Great connectivity, excellent location of items, some cool strafing aides... it is a solid map with superb gameplay. Plus, it is beautiful! A keeper!!
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#15   28 Feb 2018
Beautiful textures, I could play this all day and not be bored of the visuals,
the map could be larger but it's still a fantastic map.
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валерий unregistered
#14   05 Jan 2017
Отличная карта, постоянно играю на ней. очень круто
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#13   07 Jan 2012
I love Ice maps they are so fun to play in especially this one. This is such an amazing map and it's really fun. Textures are good. Gameplay is spot on!.
Edited: 14 Feb 2012 AEST
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#12   11 Aug 2011
I would like an Arctic-based map if it had wide open space rather than a maze of corridors. Which countless maps are like.
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Yeah.... unregistered
#11   01 Sep 2005
Fucking great map....
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SoKaR unregistered
#10   02 Apr 2004
Does anyone else have some comments??? =)
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SoKaR unregistered
#9   24 Mar 2004
Thanks man.... =D
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Fates Warning unregistered
#8   19 Mar 2004
I have EVERY map from LvL...this map definetly in my 10! Excellent work!
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SoKaR unregistered
#7   10 Mar 2004
This is best texture set for me....i used arctic texture pack in my other map ( sokar3dm3 - Capture in Distress ) so if you want, check it out...


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Yogi unregistered
#6   07 Mar 2004
Nice textures d00d! :P

nice to see them getting used in other levels. in fact its not just nice, its totaly awesome! thanks for finding another home for them.

as for the level, nice work. keep it up!

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The Hubster unregistered
#5   25 Feb 2004
I'll start off by concentrating on what everyone else here does:

Looks-wise, a very nice level. Clean, and not over-detailed. Good work.

Now, on to the important part: the gameplay.

I have no real issues with the item loads or placement, after all, a mapcfg can fix this.

However what I do have a problem with (as I do with most maps I don't get into a lot) is the scaling.

Vertically and horizontally, it is far too big to make the layout effective enough, and mind you, I'm talking about Promode play here (I don't even bother with normal Q3).

I found myself needing items to be more within reach, and they simply weren't because of the scaling.

While it's uniform for the size the author has built it on, it's just too large. The formula style of layout this map uses calls for a tighter scale.

Good effort, but destroyed by lack of attention to scale. I'll look fwd to the next work by Sokar, I'm sure it will be quite promising.

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SoKaR unregistered
#4   24 Feb 2004
Thanks.... :D
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*J9*AnGe unregistered
#3   23 Feb 2004
Good map!
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RossoDiabolico unregistered
#2   23 Feb 2004
I've tried it under osp/clanarena.

very nice.

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SoKaR unregistered
#1   15 Feb 2004
Thanks for nice review... :D
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