A Genius Trapped in an Idiot's Mind
A Genius Trapped in an Idiot's Mind by R.P.G.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#4   04 Jul 2019
been awhile since I played on a rocket heavy map but I wouldn't really call it a cpma map
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AEon Rep. 810
#3   20 Aug 2009
Awesome map... plain and simple. Very interesting beautiful designs and lighting, good connectivity, plays well against bots, and is fun.

Only possible gripe may be the amount of teleporters. IMO, those could probably have been removed completely to "calm down" the more frenetic TP-hopping the bots do.

Update: Hehe... since the source is available I removed the 3 TPs, added to 2 JPs instead, removed one RL and the GL, added the RG and PG, built a bridge to the RA, and did a few other things to help the bots, the map now really plays awesomely...
Edited: 22 Aug 2009 AEST

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Anonymous unregistered
#2   20 Feb 2006
This map is GREAT, whatever mod you use. It's small and fast, and it made for some of my greatest rocket battles EVER. 10/10.

BTW, I'm playing vanilla Quake Arena.

Also bots play it well (it's not that hard anyways, the map can't be easier to navigate).

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Targaff unregistered
#1   24 Dec 2003
You know, I like Promode as much as the next person, but at the end of the day this is a map review site, not a Promode promo site. The entire second paragraph of the review is completely and utterly redundant - no-one cares what the reviewer's preferred mod is, it's all about the map.

Talking of which, reasonable if not outstanding. There was nothing I found particularly wrong with it, it just didn't really appeal.

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