My iron lung
by mIKE
My iron lung by mIKE
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   14 Jan 2012
You make a lot of good CTF maps..
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I_like_quake unregistered
#3   31 Dec 2010
This map is just amazing, a rain effect outside would have made this one TOO good. I just hate how people can easily rocket spam the other teams flag to prevent a capture, still a fantastic map.
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MopAn unregistered
#2   22 Aug 2003
Nice map mIKE as always. :-)

You're one of the most producive mapper I've seen in the last time.

Every map got a well thought layout ,nice architecture and a bunch full of nice ideas.

This one fits well to the series of your successful and very playable maps.

Great job!



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mIKE unregistered
#1   16 Aug 2003
thx for the review, it's been a long

time, since i upload it :-).

One little note, the .pk3 contains a second version (mIKECTF3temp) of the map and there is a alternativ route in/out each base.

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