Inner Sanctum
by kat
Inner Sanctum by kat
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Colton Rep. 397
#18   13 Apr 2016
There's the Quad!
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vortexbeast Rep. 312
#17   01 Mar 2013
Beautiful cave level, but much more than that, movement through the caves is so smooth, the flow so fluid, the thing is a joy to play and a marvel of level construction. One of my top favorite half dozen levels. Thanks for making it, kat.
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leilei Rep. 443
#16   19 Apr 2012
No it isn't. Remember that Team Arena was never a hot seller so he probably never knew.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#15   18 Apr 2012
Very similar name has TA map from ID Software -> Inner Sanctums (mpteam3)
Is it plagitarorism?
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fKd Rep. 420
#14   02 Sep 2009
very impressive stuff 8.5 from me
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AEon Rep. 820
#13   26 Aug 2009
Amazing recreation of rocks and underground caverns using "just" brushes.
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Hooyaah Rep. 657
#12   30 May 2009
This map is an awesome departure from gothic castles, space maps, industrial complexes, and space stations. Although I love the aforementioned this map does it for me. It has ambience and subtle nuances in detail that just scream reality. If you are one who loves realism combined with a challenging type of game play then this one's for you. This map will stay in my baseq3 forever.
Because this map is so magnificent any nitpick I might provide would be practically irrelevant.

Edited: 30 May 2009 AEST

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Blurr unregistered
#11   28 Apr 2003
Only one who designs quake levels can truely appreciate the work and detail that went into this effort. The players among you enjoy the game play, I'm in too much in a state of awe...
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MSandt unregistered
#10   08 Apr 2003
Bah - good & original level. I liked the design, gameplay & especially item placement.
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Myth unregistered
#9   08 Apr 2003
I remember beta testing this a long time ago...

It's a great map this, I love the way the rocks twist around to provide the paths. I can appreciate how much effort went into it, each rock was lovingly hand-crafted!

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Shagz unregistered
#8   07 Apr 2003
I agree with what everyone else has said so far, and I'll add that I really like how some of the passage ways are hidden from view, and if you're not careful, you'll missing some ledges or some tunnels that are short cuts to items or great "hideout" spots (I'll have to give this one a whirl with Q3 Alt Fire and see how this works for placing prox grenades).

Good stuff! 8/10

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kat unregistered
#7   06 Apr 2003
Thnx for the general comments guys, I was a bit worried about the reception of this map as it's not the usual Q3 fare, but it seems to have gone down quite well..!! heh :o)

Seremtan : the title's my fault.. it should be 'Inner Sanctum' but becasue I copy/pasted/altered the readme from katdm5 I must have left a reference in there to that (I could have sworn I caught them all..!)... sorry about the comfusion on that one guys.. me very bad (soz Tigger)..!!

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Tigger-oN unregistered
#6   06 Apr 2003
seremtan: FilePlanet can be a problem sometimes, often requiring you to load the page twice. Sometimes when FilePlanet is under heavy load it also does not display the download links. The only soultion is try again, then try later. You can also email the FilePlanet tech people (so they are aware of the issue). BTW, I'm currently having no problems downloading the map.

I'm not sure what you mean by how come kat-dm3 is called 'Inner Sanctum' on your site while 'midnight' is dm5? - could you explain in more details? (I use the mappers readme for map titles)

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seremtan unregistered
#5   06 Apr 2003
Fileplanet link doesn't work (again!). Also: how come kat-dm3 is called 'Inner Sanctum' on your site while 'midnight' is dm5?
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MopAn unregistered
#4   05 Apr 2003
Hi kat,

nice brushwork, sounds and setting creating an excellent atmosphere, imo. Absolutely good work, but the rock textures could be more various I think. Nice gameflow and item placement. MopAn's vote 9/10

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nitin unregistered
#3   05 Apr 2003
good map, excellent looks and above average gameplay. I'm surprised that I didnt get stuck on anything more often. 8/10.
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Jaj unregistered
#2   05 Apr 2003
I remember when i loaded this map for the first time, i said something like :"hmmm well....HMMM? WHAT?..." i said nothing more, my mouth and eyes were wide open, hehe.

Very good map, with a very well executed theme that it's not seen frequently.

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StormShadow unregistered
#1   05 Apr 2003
Been playing this one for a while (its on reg rotation at burial grounds).. really good map, simply amazing brushwork.

A few nitpicks about item locations (and weapon selection) but overall a fantastic map, well worth the download.


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