Tower of despair
Tower of despair by Devlin
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#15   08 Nov 2020
interesting to see the discussion regarding access to the quad: it can be easily reached from multiple locations, even directly from the RL itself and even by grenade jumping. the things that really annoyed me the most were the lack of health and the weird diagonal one of the accelerator pads to the ya had. I didn't care about the scaling of the interior, but other than accessing the two main levels (which could be achieved by exterior bounce pads) it was entirely pointless... and dark. Also pointless: the quad, too small for a ffa and too powerful for a tourney.
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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#14   05 Mar 2013
It's all about timing. To achieve the maximum knockback you have to jump about 100ms before firing.

Edit: if you still can't manage then there's a rocket jump script you can use. Type this in the console:
\bind ALT "+moveup;wait;+attack;wait;-moveup;-attack"
Then get the rocket launcher, look at the ground and press ALT.
Edited 5.07 minutes after the original posting.

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Tig Rep. 2422
#13   04 Mar 2013
@ccluca (and anyone else): Here is a short demo on how to reach the quad:
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ccluca Rep. 1
#12   04 Mar 2013
it is impossible! I tried a thousand times to shoot the ground where there is the image of the rocket but I can not give me a push enough to get to the platform.
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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#11   01 Mar 2013
Look at the ground, jump and fire a rocket straight after. The knockback propels you into the air and then you just move forward to the platform.
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ccluca Rep. 1
#10   28 Feb 2013
Be more precise. I have to shoot while jumping to the ground where there is the image of the rocket?
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Tig Rep. 2422
#9   28 Feb 2013
@ccluca: There is no teleporter to the Quad. You perform a rocket jump to reach it.
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ccluca Rep. 1
#8   28 Feb 2013
Who I explains in detail how to get the quad? where the teleport?
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H217 Rep. 470
#7   27 Feb 2013
Looks awesome
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Ben Rep. 40
#6   24 Dec 2009
What grapple hook? I know that was something the developed of Q3 removed from the game at the last minute, but how do you get ahold of it to use?


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AEon Rep. 810
#5   21 Aug 2009
Alas the author seems to have wanted to cut down the r_speeds in this space-ish map by condensing the size of the castle to the small present dimensions. Note that size is irrelevant, if you simply use larger brushes, but keep the number the same.

The design of the castle is great, but the gameplay, especially the gameflow has serious issues due to the too cramped setting. The walkways and the in-door areas would simply need to be made larger, and things would work quite well. The placement and arcs of the APs and JPs could also use some more love, in one case you actually get "clobbered" into the castle wall.
Edited: 21 Aug 2009 AEST

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Cendres unregistered
#4   14 Jan 2008
Cute and interesting map, but how can I get the Quad? Btw, there are missing textures on the dorrs.
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shcmurd unregistered
#3   09 Oct 2003
Great map, but I cannot seem to get to the quad, even by launch jumping, what's up? Other than that excellent.
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StormShadow unregistered
#2   09 Mar 2003
Fun map to shoot around on.. Great architecture also.

Is there a way to get the quad without rjing?

One nitpick is that some of the launch pads from the floating platforms around the map smack me right into a wall, but this is forgivable :)

GJ for a space map.

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Devlin unregistered
#1   05 Mar 2003
ty for the review, much appreciated!


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