by MF
EvilslavE by MF
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#12   21 Mar 2021
@lordic3s Hey, welcome to the site. This is quite a weird map. It's supposed to be based on strategic, collaborative behaviour, it seems, in terms of the triggers for opening and closing doors. I did not manage to escape from underground. As a collaborative CTF map attempt, it doesn't quite take off, but I think the author was onto something here. I'm not aware of another map of this kind. Doesn't quite suits Q3 imo but for a change, it might be interesting.
Still, the atmosphere idea is pretty cool: a very creepy jail!
Edited 1.77 minutes after the original posting.
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lordic3s Rep. 21
#11   20 Mar 2021
This is probably the worst CTF map I have tried so far, and I have played plenty. The mechanics need to be more intuitive; being teleported to random places on the map doesn't make sense, and often disorienting. It's too bad because it has so much potential. If only there were rhyme or reason, this would be a fantastically, strategic map.
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Alice unregistered
#10   27 May 2017
I like the map for some interesting ideas. But it is NOT playable.
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Tig Rep. 2422
#9   14 Aug 2008
@Anonymous Cowherd: Sure, but can you find a download link for it? If you do find one, let me know and I'll mirror it.
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Anonymous Cowherd unregistered
#8   14 Aug 2008
The author's site may no longer be active, but people will also want to know where to go now instead for the version with the soundtrack.
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rench unregistered
#7   10 Nov 2004
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Tetzlaff unregistered
#6   11 Mar 2003
After a while I finally figured out that the rocketlauncher spawn points also are disguised jump pads which catapult you into the monitors, which are disguised teleporters :D

The map would be better with more reasonabl and clear design, it doesn´t help gameplay and feels weird when important features are disguised like that.

But the athmosphere is actually quite cool on this map, the texture scheme and the ambient sound make it unique. Though you have forgotten to add splash footstep sounds to the flooded floor.

Also lighting, architecture and texturing could need improvements, it looks a bit amateurish. Lighting in the underground area is too colour saturated.

Looking forward to your next map!

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not entered unregistered
#5   09 Mar 2003
This map has something that makes me satisfy of my download. I don't really know what it exactly is (maybe the idea, maybe the lights, may be the sound, may also be the presentation, but most probably it's the general feeling).. it's not an excellent level but it has several very new features that i never saw before in a ctf level. I will follow your next works, mr. MF, cool style. Congratulation for the soundtrack (of the soundtrack version ofcourse)
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theslayeronthebeach unregistered
#4   06 Mar 2003
This is my own theory:

1- the first time you pick up the enemy flag you have to be as quick as possible to avoid being closed into the enemy base.

2- both area gates open when someone jumps up from the underground area and the midfield gate opens when someone is teleported by one of the two big screens.

3- you can only exit the undeground level through the enemy's area due to the point 2.

4- i think this is better playable in 5on5 mode 'cause the more dynamic movement in the arena raises the gates ryithm.

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theslayeronthebeach unregistered
#3   06 Mar 2003
This is my own theory:

1- the first time you pick up the enemy flag you have to be as quick as possible to avoid being closed into the enemy base.

2- both area gates open when someone jumps up from the underground area and the midfield gate opens when someone is teleported by one of the two big screens.

3- you can only exit the undeground level through the enemy's area due to the point 2.

4- i think this is better playable in 5on5 mode 'cause the more dynamic movement in the arena raises the gates ryithm.

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Tetzlaff unregistered
#2   06 Mar 2003
Interesting concept, but I don´t think you can have a serious CTF match here. And I really hat it when I suddenly get teleported arround without knowing where and why :p

Is it made on purpose that you can´t exit the enemy base via the underground level? But how should you escape with the flag, when the big gates close in the midfield?

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theslayeronthebeach unregistered
#1   04 Mar 2003
nice, a 7 for me.
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