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#17 24 Jul 2008
I have to comment on these maps. Firstly RG camping put me off of the rail gun but every now and then you play a map where it is not only the weapon of choice but you want to use it and qdolphin is that map. qbee is a nicely designed tourney space map - if you dont get them at the shotgun you can always have a go at the 50H. qbeast has a nicely placed mh - reachable from the rl by rocket jump or the rg by a carefully angled drop - sweet! Coming with its own larger than life movieposter wallpaper put me off at first - but i can see the author only wanted to present a professional package. Only gripe - something from Autechre's Tri Repetae would have made a much better soundtrack for qbeast - i'm sure they would've even written an original piece if the author asked them nicely...
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#16 13 Sep 2004
Very fun map i love the environment you set, its orginal and fun keep it up man i love your maps!
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#15 25 Feb 2003
This is pure ART! these are best q3a dm maps i`v played since years :)
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#14 15 Feb 2003
Originally posted by Quint:
"I thought this would have been my last Quake3 map, but after your nice encouragements, I'm thinking of putting my brain into radiant again :) Thanks guys, too kind!"
Very nice to hear/read that! I'm eagerly waiting for the result ;-).
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#13 14 Feb 2003
Beautifull maps...
Excellent for my railor experience...
thanks quint,
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#12 13 Feb 2003
I have always loved 2 things about Jax_Gator:
1 His skills in building the best levels that the community cuold have ever played
2 His being so humble.
Let me say one thing that I have never said since I'm mapping: too often the so-called mapping masters think to be God on earth, you can understand that from their comments on the several forums, or just reading the txt of their maps, or from their replyes to your mails. Well, I'm sorry for their stupidity, and I'm glad to know that there are still person like Jax, Nunuk, Cardigan, Pete Parisi and others.
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#11 12 Feb 2003
Pure artistry!
This man has one very creative mind. I only wish I were half as creative as you Quint.
Awesome maps, awesome tunes, awesome pak...awesome mapper. GJ Quint!
This pak is very deserving of your hard drive space. Get them now!
9/10 from me.
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#10 12 Feb 2003
I thought this would have been my last Quake3 map, but after your nice encouragements, I'm thinking of putting my brain into radiant again :)
Thanks guys, too kind!
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#9 10 Feb 2003
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#8 10 Feb 2003
this maps r0x! :)
especially dolphin :>
r_subdivisions 2 makes big hole on dolphin's butt ;) but it's still great, cool pads :)
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#7 06 Feb 2003
Beautiful maps, as always, Quint! You are da man!
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#6 05 Feb 2003
Btw, each of the maps in this pack has it's very own music track and the music fits the themes of the maps very well IMO. I love that "Digeridoo" sound of QBee ;)! Although I'm only on 64k, I never regretted the dl.
A great concept and a great result, Quint!
Btw, the bots play a lot better than in Pete's (Meat's) maps :p.
(I think this is the first time I'm scoring a 10 ;))
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#5 05 Feb 2003
yup awesome eyecandy cant to give em a go with my mates
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#4 05 Feb 2003
Well, you don't know how pleased I am to know that you guys like this work! I started mapping thanks to the first "meatpack" by Pete Parisi (who is still the best mapper for me) I was so amazed by that 3 map pack (finally something creative!) that I started dreaming to do my own pack, but I always thought I wasn't good enough. Even if I still think I'm not that genius caled "Pete", I'm quite sutisfied to have made my pack at the end, and that is good enough to be appreciated. Thanks again!!
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#3 04 Feb 2003
I've been playing these for a while...Great Fun. The only problem I've found is that I tend to stop playing at times to admire the designs.
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#2 04 Feb 2003
These are without a doubt magnificent in the visuals department, if ever there was a degree in mapping and you wanted to show new students material as classic examples then these are up there with the best!
But...rail owns owns owns..
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#1 03 Feb 2003
Quint is the man! Fantastic work artistically.. these are must-have maps regardless of whether or not your a space-map fan. Really stunning work visually, and truly amazing brush work.
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