Domination by Orion
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Tig Rep. 1742
#23   23 Oct 2012
@Anonymous: This is a question for the forum and you need to include details of your set-up. What Operating System are you running: OSX, Linux, WIndows 98 or something else? Do you have a fully patched version of Q3A? What version is it? Do you even have a sound card?
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Anonymous unregistered
#22   23 Oct 2012
Thanks Tig, it worked. Do you know why i dont have music in my quake 3 ? It says: Warning: Music file is not 22k stereo. Also there are all tier movies and the intro missing.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#21   21 Oct 2012
Mhmm I never stumbled across this map before ;'o. Looks pretty cool I might test it out with my new mod I donwloaded :D.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#20   20 Oct 2012
Try: \map insdm2

For more details, try the F.A.Q. section, under the Site link at the top of the page.

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Anonymous unregistered
#19   20 Oct 2012
how do i start this map from the console ?
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rome unregistered
#18   03 Sep 2005
loox cool =)
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Bionic Gerbil unregistered
#17   09 Aug 2000
Hi there, for some reason I can't download the map at LVL, file planet and the Australian mirror respond that there is no such file or directory. Can you check it out and get back to me on it? thankx

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otep unregistered
#16   20 Apr 2000
are the comments are screwed up now too? "all the colors", "reminded me of NYC".. hmm, doesn't sound applicable to revelation
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trent unregistered
#15   02 Mar 2000
This map is the shit for fast multiplayer games!!
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not entered unregistered
#14   20 Feb 2000
Reece you suck cock
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Reeces daddy unregistered
#13   19 Jan 2000
ITS the shit, i like all the colors.
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Timothy 11 BlacK unregistered
#12   19 Jan 2000
One of the most fun q3 maps I have played so far...any amount of players,of course I wouldn't go much more than 8!It wasn't too dark,it was just right...very creepy and ominous..great layout perfect for snipes and hiding and it was more fun to the fact that we couldn't always see each other for an all too easy fragging which gets a little worn after a while!!!
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John_Rocker unregistered
#11   07 Jan 2000
Reminded me of NYC.
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AndysAlien unregistered
#10   06 Jan 2000
yep this is a god map for playing blind (useing sounds) orion you got my 10
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powder unregistered
#9   04 Jan 2000
well this is a very enjoyable is dark in some spots and well lite in others for a great looking is fast..great map..8-)
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sepp unregistered
#8   04 Jan 2000
this is a really poor; played much better levels
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Orion unregistered
#7   03 Jan 2000
heh, one more thing i forgot to mention, everyone vote this map as a 10! =]
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TRauma unregistered
#6   03 Jan 2000
whoever commented on this map is blind....get a real video.....not dark not too blue......and since when is q3 bright and are in the pits of hell... no sunshine here duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Meegs unregistered
#5   02 Jan 2000
I really liked this map... my favorite part was the darkness. it really added a good, solid, feel to the lvl. My advice? download It now and see if you like it.
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Orion unregistered
#4   02 Jan 2000
Fine fine, brighter it is. =p Ill make some changes and Ill update it. Thanks for the feedback guys!
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Fute unregistered
#3   02 Jan 2000
Fotzenklo Fotzenklo ja das macht die Fotze froh
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Lord Imric unregistered
#2   02 Jan 2000
This map is pretty good to play on, however it is "too" dark. A little brighter and then it would take the cake...
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[Iv4n] unregistered
#1   02 Jan 2000
Just download this outstanding map! it ROCKS!
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