DSI:4.7 by evillair
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#20   27 Jan 2012
It's in one map pack for CPMA... This pack contains 6 maps from various authors.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#19   10 Jan 2012
Loving the texture and detail of the map.
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AEon Rep. 780
#18   25 Aug 2009
I wonder if this was the first map to actually use the DSI textures set. Would explain why the textures evil lair created fit the his own geometry so well. I love that texture set, and the gameplay in this map definitely has the elusive "addictive" quality that will not let you stop playing.

I like those "barely" (for a casual gamer, playing vQ3 that is) doable jumps to the MH, and the central platform near the LG.

Get this map!

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[evil_lair] unregistered
#17   03 Aug 2002
thanks alot guys, the minimal look is something not everyone enjoys, but I'm glad it didn't turn too many people away.

This is probably my last quake3 map so I'm glad it was well received.

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dejay unregistered
#16   01 Aug 2002
Great map, if you've got or getting the official- cmp1_v2, this map is included so decide where you want to dload it."Any one have Kazaa?" you ask [Iosole89], well yes, 99 million people do!!
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Shagz unregistered
#15   31 Jul 2002
Very, very slick. I think some people were complaining that it looked boring or was too minimal, but I personally love this look. It makes you focus more on the game play, of which this map has plenty. But even with minimal textures, the colour scheme is beautiful and I just love running through the map. I don't know why more mappers aren't putting out more minimal-texture stuff like this (Nunuk's maps and the Geocomp maps being the exception).

Beauty! Looking forward to more...

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GuitarMan unregistered
#14   30 Jul 2002
Nice one, texturing is a bit plain for me but it's a great map to play.
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nunuk unregistered
#13   29 Jul 2002
iosole89 now comes in two new flavors! : gin, and whisky.

happy loungin! :D

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[Iosole89] unregistered
#12   29 Jul 2002
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! This map blows my mind more ppl should dl this awesome peice of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

peace out [Iosole89]!If your wondering my name in quake is [Iosole89] by the way i hate pepper mint ice cream eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!wviperw and i play quake 3 arena and iam only 12!!!!!!sry if you think iam weird its 300am iam bored!!!!!!!!!dang on 56 gay it takes awhile to download......Just killing time typing lalallalalalalalalalalalalalla 78%lalalalalalalalalalalalalala:cP who likes ozzy osbourne?lalalalalalalalalalalalaalaalkalalalalalalla any one have Kazaa?

YEA its done i better post this now!!!!!!!!

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ShoveL unregistered
#11   29 Jul 2002
Sweet stuff evil!

Is this your first release I know you've been a texture artists for awhile?

I think the flat texturing is actualy benificial to the map(in 2 ways) it's a nice pleasing minimalist look but also increases your awarness since it is easy to spot the other players, just like the hardcore vertex light players ;)

The bots had a tendency to congregate around the RL. Maybe some tweaking of the weighting of items/weaps or bot_roam ents. Ofcourse I havn't tried it with real players yet in which I feel it would no doubt flow much better!

The layout appears very solid and provide lots of varying types of encounters.

9 from me!

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Damager unregistered
#10   28 Jul 2002
Feels 'real' inside, apart from the minimalistic blocky brushes.
Nice 'cold stone' feeling.

A bit too boring looking for lan play but nice to walk around, and well crafted.

If there was a 9.5 id give it that.

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*papri-K* unregistered
#9   27 Jul 2002
Nice map, a bit 2D for my taste but im keeping it anyway. Has lots of cool jumps.
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evil lair unregistered
#8   27 Jul 2002
Thanks alot guys.

GONNAKILLYA!, it's going great, were going to release Splinter Cell soon.

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Tigger-oN unregistered
#7   26 Jul 2002
Link is working fine, just tested it. The connection did take a long time, maybe fileplanet is under load atm?
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not entered unregistered
#6   25 Jul 2002
busted link or filplanet reeks U decide?
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MopAn unregistered
#5   25 Jul 2002
sweet piece of art and always on my hd :)
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#4   25 Jul 2002
Sweetness. Good job evil lair.

How's things at Ubisoft in Montreal?

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Bill Brooks unregistered
#3   24 Jul 2002
It's not a space map.

Nice work download now........

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wviperw unregistered
#2   24 Jul 2002
Ooooh, its like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Refreshing!
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nunuk unregistered
#1   24 Jul 2002
but...... evil! it's...... flat! flat texes all around!

it's a minimalistic beauty.

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