once upon a brush
once upon a brush by Zippie
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#16   29 Jun 2019
movement on the map is very fluid and intuitive. the right weapons were selected to be included and left out
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   19 May 2012
Love the craziness.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   11 Jan 2012
Very Bizarre/Weird map. Technically good in textures and gameplay. 7.5/10.
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Anonymous unregistered
#13   23 Sep 2009
because Bizkit reviewed it.
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Anonymous unregistered
#12   22 Sep 2009
how does a map like this get a bad review?
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AEon Rep. 810
#11   22 Sep 2009
Very interesting non-right-angled map, that plays surprisingly well... makes you dizzy after a while though. Nothing I'd want to play for long, but the idea behind it is pretty cool.
Edited: 22 Sep 2009 AEST
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Ganja unregistered
#10   14 Jul 2003
Diferente dos demais, eu concordo com o carinha que fez o review do mapa e achei ele um lixo.

Nao perca tempo fazendo download dessa merda !

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Obliterator unregistered
#9   09 May 2003
WOOHOO! Love this map - feels like I've stepped into Alice's Wonderland or one of Escher's woodcuts. Its very surreal and original; it should have the Geocomp2.
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tanyeli unregistered
#8   25 Jun 2002
I think this map is the most important "quality artwork" ever made in q3. A milestone in mapping.
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RedDot unregistered
#7   24 Jun 2002
This is an excellent level. I really love the piano keys and flying pills. The sky with lightnings and the thunders are fantastic. Everything nicly completed with the musical box's sounds that somehow remind me of Alice. The review (as many many other here) is totally wrong. This map grants a unique brushwork mixed with excellent sounds producing an outstanding feeling. 10/10 from me.
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VisionThing unregistered
#6   20 Jun 2002
Ermmm, a little harsh on the reviewer guys. Sure you don't like his review but Tig added notes to the end to show that he/other people did/may enjoy this map. That alone encourages the sort of people that care to download the map regardless of the review and is why all reviews are read by Tig before being put up. It's not the reviewer's fault if he didn't like it and if you are interested primarly in design and construction then surely you don't pay any attention to the gameplay comments anyways. The review is just an opinion and if you don't agree there's no need to have a go at the reviewer as you can just say your opinions on the map in the comments section, that's what it's there for after all.

That said I also enjoyed playing this map as the uneven floor and tight corners work very nicely to give the gameplay a unique feel. 9 from me :).

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xfoo unregistered
#5   19 Jun 2002
This reviewer should be shot.

It's a very interesting map brushwork wise, and gameplay is still quality.

And crazy ramp jumps in cpma :D

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wviperw unregistered
#4   19 Jun 2002
Yes, I agree--the map is WAAAY better than the review says it is. Both the looks AND the gameplay are completely unique and refreshing. Different isn't always bad!
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-cha0s- unregistered
#3   19 Jun 2002
iv'e noticed in many reviews here at lvl that they mostly look at the gameplay. gameplay is important, sure. but i, as a mapper, think that the gfx are also very important. this review of zippie's map is a good example how reviews should NOT be !

the brushwork and the atmosphere are amasing. i loved zippie's style since his first (?) map for the q1 100brush contest.
i cannot rate the gameplay since i played this map without bots and only looked at the gfx.

=> 9points

ps. sry for my bad english ;)

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sock unregistered
#2   19 Jun 2002
I totally disagree with this review and believe the reviewer is talking crap. The brushwork and atmosphere of this map is just awesome and the gameplay is varied and interesting. I think it is a great shame that maps like this are reviewed by geometric philistines.
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not entered unregistered
#1   19 Jun 2002
The review of t6his map doesn't do it justice, and I'm glad for Tig's comment at the end. This map was made for the geocomp2, and from a technical standpoint, it's brilliant. The whole combination of crazy angles (not a single horizontal floor in the map), with the floating keyboard and pills, the eerie music, and the brilliant sky (it's not a dull red with flashes, you twit - it's an evil sky with LIGHTNING, coupled with THUNDER). Technically, the sky is a masterpiece, though if you noclip into it, the map crashes.

The lack of a levelshot is the big flaw, and I'm surprised zippie didn't include one.

IMO, this should have won the competition. The skill of construction is undeniable.

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