Mali'e (Further Away)
by Dru
Mali'e (Further Away) by Dru
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#41   11 Jan 2012
Its quite good for your first map. But if you want it to be a big success experiment more by making extra rooms, Hallways, Tunnels etc.. 8/10.
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Dr. Crazy unregistered
#40   06 Jun 2000
Only one word describes this level: GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!
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shiva unregistered
#39   18 Apr 2000
this map is my absolute favorite of a custom map!

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CasbahBoy unregistered
#38   18 Mar 2000
hmmmmmmm.... quite cramped
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lbstoldt unregistered
#37   16 Mar 2000
-1 doesnt show up on team deathmatch map selection menu

-1 incorrect zippage

-1 narrow hallways give cramped feeling which may be what the autho is looking foor, but gets incredibly dull and stressfull

The water works great, although its not a good idea to have it as the main attraction of your map, since water is more or less a complete deathtrap in q3 (especially with vortex grenades :-( )

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Echo unregistered
#36   02 Mar 2000
Smokin map bro, need to find some online servers for this 1!

Coulda done with a few sheep, but other than that it rox :]

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Redrum unregistered
#35   26 Feb 2000
I just got around to trying this one out (last night at the office in fact b4 going for drinks). We stuck 6 people in and boy were we sweating after this.

It was originally destined to be a warm up map but actually it's far too frantic for that.

Like many comments it is Q2 in feel but this is not bad. Q2 evolved to breed a certain map style similar to this. The three chambers are well connected and careful use of rocket jumping makes it super connected.

Flow is well managed by a fairly even distribution of weapons but I would question the inclusion of the RL which was fun but perhaps unbalancing in such confined spaces.

The maps runs fast too, easily managing a solid 70FPS on a 450 TNT with the 6 players.

I agree that 4 players is about right (though the 6 player game was hilarious to watch).

A very fun map that borrows heavily from similarly styled Q2 maps with embellishments and enhancements to keep it working for Q3 players.

Try this 1 on 1 and see how hard you strain your ears (it becomes extremely tactical!

We like.

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Jim unregistered
#34   25 Feb 2000
One thing I may add- the zip file was composed with directory structure assuming you will be unzipping it to your C drive and that your Q3 dir is /program files/quake 3 arean/baseq3, which took me a minute to figure out why when I unzipped it directly into my baseq3 dir where it was.
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Jim unregistered
#33   25 Feb 2000
Nice map, nice layout, nice atmosphere. The underwater areas tied in well with the dry areas, and the skeleton at the bottom of the pool was a nice touch. One thing I did notice tho is that the curves seemed to be a bit too polygonal- and I do have my r_subdivisions set to 4 (default)
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Renegade unregistered
#32   25 Feb 2000
Dru paid me twenty bucks to say this map roxxs

=) and Izzy is right you can do better Dru

alright now download it and play it thats it

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MoZiNhO unregistered
#31   25 Feb 2000
It feels Q2! I love Q2!!! What's wrong with Atriums, I ask??!! This map is awesome. Who said it freezes? I could run this on a 386 with 4meg :-). The map brings back those Q2 qualities Q3 is def missing out on. Long live the King! More Druel, make me drool !
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IsmiteU unregistered
#30   25 Feb 2000
I dunno, I rather enjoy aspects of Q3 maps using some Q2 features. I enjoyed this map and found it fun to play. I would say it's a decent effort for a first Q3 map.(I'm gonna be hard on him cuz I know he can do better) =)
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not entered unregistered
#29   25 Feb 2000
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Ricochet unregistered
#28   25 Feb 2000
Yay this map really rox. Dru u should do some more of this stuff. ppl all i can say this is a must-have download.

keep it up dru


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blod unregistered
#27   25 Feb 2000
Nice map. A bit of Q2-stylized but I think it's not bad. High fragability makes me return to it constantly.
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blod unregistered
#26   25 Feb 2000
Nice map. A bit of Q2-stylized but I think it's not bad. High fragability make me return to it constantly.
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Hiro^2 unregistered
#25   25 Feb 2000
I haven't had any problems freezing up. And all I have is a 466 cel with 192MB RAM, Voodoo3 2000.

As for the map... I have to give it a thumbs-up. Finally it feels good to frag masses with the GL. <grin>

I'd love to see a similar enviroment incorporated into a CTF map also (a closed-corridor, water tank, maze).

keep the nice work coming!

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not entered unregistered
#24   24 Feb 2000
I got a BIG problem fith this

map: IT FREEZES for seconds !

again and again!?! I got a p3/500 withh 128megs and a geforce DDR! I am not used to such things! All the other levels run fine! originals and

downloads! but THIS ONE FREEZES!

and i dont mean low fps (i wouldnt writhe here for such thing) i mean it stops for a few seconds - like with a interrupted connection in an online-match . What could that be?

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Scampie unregistered
#23   24 Feb 2000
This is one of my favorite few.
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RA Bitch unregistered
#22   24 Feb 2000
Love this map! When I load up Q3, I always go back to it. :)
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BetaX unregistered
#21   24 Feb 2000
I think this level rocks entirely due to the quality of beta-testers Dru employed =).
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GibFest unregistered
#20   24 Feb 2000
I like this level 8)
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Raven unregistered
#19   24 Feb 2000
I didn't really like it all that much, just not as fun as some of the other stuff out there I guess. The Bot's didn't seem to play this level nearly as well as they do a lot of others, and seeing as I am Single player only, I guess this would have influenced my decision. It's been a while since I played it, so I looked back at my notes on the Quake3 levels I d/L, and beside this one I just wrote "delete"
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Twitchfactor unregistered
#18   23 Feb 2000
Druel1! That's it!

I knew I'd seen this thing somewhere b4...

I don't know if it blows away Addiction or Kaos, but it's fun enough.

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Timothy 11 BlacK unregistered
#17   23 Feb 2000
I actually downloaded this map like a month ago and ever since then I have been playing it obsessively...this map has to be one of the best q3 maps so far even though it looks like q2...this map blows away "Addiction" and even "Kaos"!!!
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RedFive unregistered
#16   23 Feb 2000
I got this one a while ago and it's been one of my favorites. Big enough to have 2 guys look for each other, and small enough to see lots of action even with few players/bots. Oh, and after making a demo, I recommend you put the view to third-person to watch it; it's hilarious to see yourself swim with the Haste !!!!
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Dru unregistered
#15   23 Feb 2000
And, um, thanks for the comments - I appreciate any feedback, good or bad
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Dru unregistered
#14   23 Feb 2000
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Sniper187 unregistered
#13   23 Feb 2000
I would download........except i get about 300 bytes/sec on Go back to the fileplanet link please!
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Octovus (boy im bored) unregistered
#12   23 Feb 2000
Heh... I havent dloaded this yet but I noticed Dyslexic... u said other bots. That mean u r one? Uh. Geex I'm TIRED

Happy fraggin! Octovus

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ALS unregistered
#11   23 Feb 2000
the map is fun , nuff said!!
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Dyslexic unregistered
#10   23 Feb 2000
This map is great. I originally installed this once I read about it off of planetquake. Though, it isn't the best of the best, I often use it as a "warm up" map with 3 other bots. Good fun, and good practice if you like to use the GL.
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CasbahBoy unregistered
#9   23 Feb 2000
Fun map, thought it was a bit cramped sure not to put too many bots.
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Dru unregistered
#8   23 Feb 2000
:)... You either love it or hate it... :)
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Sundown unregistered
#7   23 Feb 2000
Enjoyable, but the action involves a bit too much "death from above" for my tastes. Given this and the maps fairly small size, not much strategy here. Still, takin' a dip and smokin' unwary saps in the depths is keen.
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Scorpion unregistered
#6   23 Feb 2000
Finaly Lvl has this map I already downloaded it at planetquake and this map is just great it's super it has fast gameplay for not to much bots this is a beautiful level


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[SiP]kletig unregistered
#5   23 Feb 2000
No thanks i will keep it !
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d3f3nd3r unregistered
#4   23 Feb 2000
Yeah, I kept it, but I don't really play it very often. For some reason this one just doesn't hold my interest the way addiction or future brownie did, even though it is a similar style of map.
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AssBall unregistered
#3   23 Feb 2000
An excellent map, very well laid out. One of my very favorites so far. Oh yeah, and I LOVE water fights.
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shredder133 unregistered
#2   23 Feb 2000
It did seem a bit bland, but there's something that makes you want to keep it.
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Nazdor unregistered
#1   23 Feb 2000
The bland textures and the near-enough-identical look areas just lead to a feeling of just running round and round and, basically, tedium.

We only lasted about 20 minutes on this before moving on.

Shame, because there are some nice features (like the mentioned water section).

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