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The gameplay/layout swerves between ok and dull. There are a few interesting connections between the different sections. I like the passage the bots use to jump/fall in to the rl-room. Lightning could be a bit more interesting, the textures are cool (i like this texture-set) but due to the lighting they seem very dusty and blend into each other. With better lighting they would have stand out more and made this map more interesting...
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#3 01 Oct 2002
smiles evily now i can spam your e-mail!!! BMUHAHAHAHA
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#2 29 Mar 2002
Heh thanks- kinda a first attempt at something industrial...keep me posted and remember you can reach me @ <a href="mailto:mike_p@charter.net">mike_p@charter.net</a>
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#1 29 Mar 2002
It's a pretty fair level. Like the setting. Item placement was a little different and bot kept me very busy. Good Job!
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