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It's ok. But charon has many better maps.
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Amazing work you got there :). It's outstanding :). Brushwork is wonderful, Textures are spot on and Gameplay is brilliant :). 10/10. It's a definate Keeper :D.
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this map just never seems to get boring - one of the best for me!
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#20 10 Feb 2002
EZ to contol w RG, YA, & RL, but still fun. I, for one, like the slime dark icky feel... kinda' like the old fraternity house :~)
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not entered
#19 08 Feb 2002
retexture this and it would be nice, but god its so fugly in its current state
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#18 07 Feb 2002
No big deal. Just be sure it doesn't cut your life expectancy too short or anything... We would miss all those charondmx's that come out every month =)
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#17 06 Feb 2002
welcome to lvl chat.....=P
oh yeah...l...I'm so use to it now...but its not a diesease....its just a bodily reaction....like an allergic reaction....due to me not allowing the correct defenses to build up....I was the one who caused it over the years by not exposing myself to sunlight willingfully....so my body reduced production of melotonin(sp?) and now doesn't have the capability of fending of uv rays effectively....this results in various forms of sideeffects with exposure to sunlight.....nausea, headaches, tiredness, weakness, skin rashes, itchyness, and other levels of discomforted thus falling back on now being allergic to sunlight.......I thought others had this problem...in fact I know a few...its not at all uncommon in the computer industry.....just wear lots of clothes and sunblock if your going to have prolonged exposure and your fine.......if I wanted to I could easily expose myself to a lot of sunlight for a few days to a week or so and start my body to rebuild its natural defenses against it.....but I don't like the tan.....don't want the headaches and itchy rashes and stuff for the first day or two......I'd rather be a pale little mapper who hisses at people and has giant eyes and spits and runs around in caves at night.....oh....wait.......l......anyway.....you get the drift
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#16 06 Feb 2002
I thought you had that skin disease that mean sunlight was bad for you??
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#15 06 Feb 2002
I normally don't post into these things...but I wanted to this time....just so people know....okie....firstly:
yes...castle....I believe your right....=)
hehe...I like to listen to what everyone has to say...doesn't bother me any that people don't like things or like things or whatever about my maps....you can't please everyone all the time...thats one of the nifty things of all this....everyone has a favorite work depending on their gameplay style and artistic taste....goes on about the nature of the human mind and how the community works....blah blah
hmm...good question....I guess its the fact that I'm a just a part of everyones subconciousness and I really don't exist....that could be a considered a physical condition.....or then just lack of physical anything thereof....=P....otherwise.....I've no clue....what is it?....confused look...
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#14 06 Feb 2002
BTW just for an update Charon got a gig over here at Ritual this week I believe.
On another note id like to note to myself that
If this is what happens when you get to some crazy level of quality in your work with people attempting to kill each other because of a choice to do something different then maybe its not all its cracked up to be! hehe
oh and whats this "Physical condition" ?
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#13 05 Feb 2002
Visually pleasing, but playwise, Charon's OSP entry is still his best. Played LQ for awhile, but not a keeper.
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#12 05 Feb 2002
wooo....=).....my maps always have some interesting heated debates going on in here.......
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#11 05 Feb 2002
I never said "This isn't like your last map, so it sucks" in case you're referring to me. I
did say I liked his last map better; a true enough statement. I'm not saying he should make all his maps that way and none in new styles, but rather I preferred the older one; the "next step" (or evolution between maps, if you prefer) seemed backwards to me. That doesn't mean I want him to stand still.
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#10 05 Feb 2002
I took into consideration the people who don't feel like downloading 11 different files. I'm not lazy and I in fact have one big pk3, xfoo. As for diggity-dang, why don't you learn how to comment directly to the person you want to criticize instead of posting it on someone elses board. As for Charon, which I have no idea if hes is reading this, I hope you take some of our suggestions into consideration. Don't let the buggers bog you down saying 'Oh this isn't like your last map, so it sucks' I am amazed by each creation you reveal to the community, and as I said, I won't be surprised if you become a professional level designer. I guess it's one of the only freedoms you have considering your physical condition =(. Anyway, good luck man!
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#9 04 Feb 2002
diggity-dang: Um, contradicting myself? If there's one way you could say I did that it would be in the "don't get me wrong" sentence, where I mention the map IS perfectly fine, just not charon at all...and, well, if don't get me wrong is not clear enough that you still "get me wrong" then you must have serious problems. I never contradicted myself beyond that, and a high horse? Where the f* are you then, making obscene comments about how "tight" his maps are? I dunno what you're trying to do pissing off people who more or less agree with you, but flaming people is not a good way to start posting here.
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#8 04 Feb 2002
this map is better than the last reviewed charon map - however, it is still NOT up to what we've grown to expect from him. his maps are becoming tighter than a nun's c
nt, and are lending themselves to rocket-splashes and grenades around corners. yawn*
open up your mind charon - along with your 'arenas' (<--term used loosely).
octovus - get off your high-horse and stop contradicting yourself.
<|3FG20K> - learn to make your own maps already.
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#7 04 Feb 2002
Beautiful map! Very nice selfmade textures (although the floor texture doesn't tile smooth). I liked the RL placement very much for a FFA map as it is something different. There are so many maps out there that are just a copy of q3dmx or xx3dmx. The RL placement makes this one unique in terms of gameplay and I think everyone will remember the map for this feature.
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#6 03 Feb 2002
Just make the pk3 yourself you lazy bum!
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#5 03 Feb 2002
The problem with Charon's maps, with the exception of a few, is that they are all compacted layouts, nothing spread out... it usually takes about 30 seconds to get from one end of the map to another. A little suggestion is that maybe on the next map, make alot more bigger-wider-open areas freely connected, like the Shadowlands Clan Arena (don't use portals cause they never lead to any significant destination). Finally, you're a god at making strong atomosphere; I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being a professional level designer for the best games in future existence. In that case you should try to make something
completely different from the maps you've made.
BTW-You should make a huge map pack containing each of your maps so that the baseq3 directory isn't flooded with map-charondm*.pk3's
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#4 02 Feb 2002
I really enjoy the atmosphere of the map, it really looks fantastic.
However, the bot play is poor, imo, and the gameplay could be a bit better (i really dont like the rl placement). Regardless, this is great map, and it should be on everyones hd.
GJ as always..
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#3 02 Feb 2002
Meh. The recently reviewed charon map is much better. There probably is something wrong with you if you don't download the level (it
is by Charon), but there's something wrong with the reviewer for blabbering so much too. Certainly the bots comment is a bit silly - they love the slime and hardly ever grab the RL on it's nifty "rising and falling RL pad". As nice as that may look gameplay has to come first, and a RL in front of a bouncepad would have served that much better.
Looks are techinically great as always, without making too much of a hit on your system. However the tight hallways of his maps persist as much as ever, and the green gets a bit overwhelming, especially the slime. Don't get me wrong, this map is perfectly ok, but it's not Charon caliber. Or nearly so much so as the review suggests, imo. 8 from me.
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#2 02 Feb 2002
The download should take you to version 2, I'll update the review to make sure people understand what version they are getting.
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Commander Keen
#1 02 Feb 2002
I haven't seen this map yet but I followed the link to interactive death dot net (charon's site) and there's a version 2 so fileplanet may have the old version.
come back to BG charon. :o)
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