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Beautiful use of textures and cpma physics - my only problem was missing all the things that deathmatch had in the tourney version
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#13 26 Jul 2002
Rippin map!!
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#12 13 Feb 2002
Great map PJW. Good lighting, balance, and atmosphere. I would put this map in the classic category.
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#11 08 Feb 2002
>>Gameplay was a bit too vertical for me
Is there such a thing? :) (Yep, I'm a heights fan.)
I'm glad that all you guys like the map--and thanks for the feedback. This one actually came together way quicker then my last map, so ended up being much more fun to make. I should have a new tourney map out within a week or so that I have been working on for a while . . .
[/shameless pimpage mode]
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#10 08 Feb 2002
Great atmosphere and problem free build. Gameplay was a bit too vertical for me, still a fun map.
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#9 08 Feb 2002
Great atmosphere and problem free build. Gameplay was a bit too vertical for me, still a fun map.
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#8 06 Feb 2002
I can imagine an Elf with a railgun, though. :)
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#7 06 Feb 2002
Incredible map! The best Gothic/Tech blend I've seen yet--gameplay rocks--ambient sounds are subtle & perfect; I like the teleporter hummmmm, really brings the model to life. Too many good things to say about this one; still looking for something to complain about. 8-)
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#6 04 Feb 2002
amethyst7 and Q-Fraggel: Thanks, and glad you like it. :)
Octovus: Damn, what a good idea.
/me starts thinking about custom bots for my next map . . .
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#5 04 Feb 2002
I'm sure a glance at polycount could have served up some dwarves with rgs :-)
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#4 04 Feb 2002
Great map, been playing it for a while, and it keeps me coming back!
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#3 04 Feb 2002
Another large classic :)
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#2 03 Feb 2002
>>The atmosphere felt like something you'd expect of an adventure or roleplaying game
Thanks for that Octovus--that's the sort of feel I was shooting for on this one. :) I had to restrain myself from calling it something Tolkein/Dwarven because I just couldn't picture dwarves with railguns . . . rocket and grenade lauchers maybe . . . but not railguns.
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#1 02 Feb 2002
Hilo! Another offering from pjw, and once again I've already played it. This one was quite nice but
very large, make no mistake. The atmosphere felt like something you'd expect of an adventure or roleplaying game, and that's a compliment. Kind of a mountain dwelling feel. Gameplay was pretty good individually but finding the action can be a bit of a chore unless you pump it full of players (and have the system to keep up). The launcher is definitely a high point, becoming a bit of a trademark for PJW. Tricks to get the powerups are kind of cool.
Feels a bit like it belongs in SP, but plays fine so long as your system can handle the players. Bots are ok too.
P.S. 8 from me, though it earns a 9 in some bits
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