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Yet again you have got me addicted to your beautiful maps and this time it's gone even better. It's like a maze which leads to nowhere but eventually you meet bots and shoot the heck out of them. I love it! :D. 9.5/10
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#11 12 Jul 2008
There are 4 spawn points, 2 diametrically opposed on the upper level and 2 at opposite ends of the ground level, 1 of these is directly atop the RG. The YA is slightly favoured to the opposite end with a wall to go around being an additional hurdle to the player spawning at the rg end. frags are either of the corridor or the jumppad variety. a chiming bell is included to help time your grab for the regen below. The first person to gain control of this area will have the upper hand. the teleporters allow for a quick escape for whoever sets up down there and the drop down to this area will leave you vulnerable in a tight corridor with only 1 way out - to the centre. the person with the ya will be offset by a player with more slugs. and the person controlling the regen will be offset by a player gathering armour shards and green health sprinkled sparingly from up above. this will make for standoffish play or a blitzkreig for the player who can keep control of regen and ya but will be more equally weighted if both players skip the power up and stick to playing up above
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#10 03 Jan 2002
Ultra stylish!
Looks excellent in monochrome. Well done Architecture. I like the idea of empty wall sockets for statues or the like.
Nice one!
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#9 28 Dec 2001
hehehehe Kell plays vs. green bots only. I am serious.. I WANT COLORS.. :0)
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#8 28 Dec 2001
I do, but it's not grayscale. My monitor is green and it's attached to the keyboard. It has a crank handle...
20 GOTO 10
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#7 25 Dec 2001
found it pretty BORING because
of the lacking colors... do u Guys use monochrome monitors ? ;0)
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#6 24 Dec 2001
nice map! i was wondering what happened to this one, good job :)
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#5 23 Dec 2001
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Kind of awkward because I thought one review was going to cover all three versions of the map. Yes, 'fraid there's another - the TA-textured version as well (although apart from the texturing there's nothing peculiar to TA about it).
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#4 22 Dec 2001
Certainly an interesting idea. I'd love to see a map where you had one part colored, one part like this. Maybe they could be linked by teleporters? Of course, we've seen the issues with teleporter-only connections before. Oh well.
I'd reccomend grabbing the original version over this one, but it is an interesting thing to see done.
8 from me, it's basically the same as the other level (not that he's claiming otherwise).
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#3 22 Dec 2001
Very solid level. The architecture is top notch although the grey textures, while being very cool at first, soon feel drab and you feel like you're suddenly depressed for some reason.
I enjoyed it.
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#2 21 Dec 2001
GODDAMN this is probably the best Q3 map I've seen! Rail only too! Get this fucker on your HD.
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#1 21 Dec 2001
This map is a really cool idea. Sorta reminds me of the Captain Proton episodes of ST Voyager.
Nice work, Anwulf!
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