Desert Temple
Desert Temple by LordSquart
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Janet Rep. 370
#19   10 Jul 2018
Pretty good! (also those are cute dog statues 👍)
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georgejjburns Rep. 101
#18   11 Nov 2017
very cool map indeed!
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captin_caveman! unregistered
#17   09 Nov 2017
Desert Temple Is the Shiznit! Awesome map.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#16   06 Jan 2012
Looks like a brilliant, calm desert but when the rocket fires in the sky havoc unleashes :). Amazing map 10/10
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#15   19 Jul 2011
Really? I thought the dunes as a highlight...
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I_like_quake unregistered
#14   19 Jul 2011
The map was great, just falling damage became slightly annoying. The thing that ruins it for me are the sniping positions out on the dunes....
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#13   20 Feb 2010
Finding that one might stray from the central map, up to a few hundred meters away from the nearest spawn point, thankfully, never once was I trapped near the edge of the horizon against my will. It is easy for one to admire the construction of this new and enchanting environment, especially with all of its detail and, as well, its appeasing labyrinths that may be discovered in abundance. Yet another glorious domain is awaiting one's discovery, an oasis of exquisite game play surrounded by scorching sand. Frag like an Egyptian.
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InkMan Rep. 0
#12   30 Aug 2009
or Serious Sams
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TooGood unregistered
#11   02 Jan 2002
Keerraaaazy map! I like it, I like it a lot. Only people who play by themselves would complain about falling off the edge of the world... What the hell were they doing out there anywho?
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TooGood unregistered
#10   02 Jan 2002
Keerraaaazy map! I like it, I like it a lot. Only people who play by themselves would complain about falling off the edge of the world... What the hell were they doing out there anywho?
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Serious Sam unregistered
#9   18 Dec 2001
I'm back at my favourite place...Time to get SERIOUS! Nice place to be serious!
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Whiskey 7 unregistered
#8   26 Oct 2001
A really well put together and laid out map by LordSquart.

top effort and a joy to play in :)

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Electro unregistered
#7   20 Sep 2001
nice looking map.. although maps shouldn't be judged on just looks, that's stupid

flight is annoying, so maybe the quad would have best been left out of the level. no quad would have created a better balance for gameplay.

and yeah.. the bug Octovus mentioned needs to be sorted out

other than those small thingies, it's a nice map

8 from me

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LordSquart unregistered
#6   08 Sep 2001
I'm very hapy of this review and comments! thanks to all ...

Thanks a lot Eeatha for this review!

Octovus : i was thinking i have fixed this bug but i can see its still there :(

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Octovus unregistered
#5   08 Sep 2001
Ok, after two posts, I'll make a comment on the map! (What a thought! :-p ) Over all, very nice looking, and pretty darn good playing. I don't own/haven't played Serious Sam (other than the demo), so I can't make any serious comparisons there, but I'm sure it's pretty faithful.

I liked the stone push pads especially; often bouncepads and push pads are the things left as Id's, which can break the aesthetic.

Bots didn't play that well, they stayed up top too much..never really bothering for the lower RL, and apparently a PG and a Regen (I guess they were too dumb to get it...oh well) weren't enough attraction.

Love the flight for the quad! Agree with the comment about camping completely...and thought it was a little weird to be able to fall behind the desert dunes to the "edge of the world" and neither die nor be able to get out...(hooray for /kill).

9 from me.


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Octovus unregistered
#4   08 Sep 2001
Lol, I know Eeatha: I (as I would expect of anyone even THINKING of submitting reviews) read the readmes...I just haven't made a habit of checking them before I download since, well, a lot of other review sites don't bother putting them up seperately.

Tx for the link.


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Eeatha unregistered
#3   08 Sep 2001
Octovus that's what readme.txt is for, <a href="" target="_blank"></a> :-) It is an add-on however so you won't be unhappy for downloading this one.
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Octovus unregistered
#2   08 Sep 2001
Any chance of getting a link to the low r_speeds version posted? (Well, I know tig and company are moving, but if someone knows a mirror maybe they could post it here?)

I'll download this anyways but I dunno how playable it will be on my system.


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The Loader unregistered
#1   08 Sep 2001
huge area and good tombs, definetively a place for all Lara Crofts out there :)
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