Gradual Panic
Gradual Panic by Relix
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#7   03 Dec 2020
There is nothing good in this map in my opinion. I do not see how this can ever be a keeper, as the reviewer suggest (at least not for modern map standards).
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Relix unregistered
#6   13 Feb 2003
Thanks for the comments everyone. The Hunt was unique in it's own way, but I also like Face to Face.

I haven't mapped in some time and after a HD failure I lost what I had been working on.

Maybe one day I will get back into it.

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}PAINK1ll3r{[DOQ] unregistered
#5   02 Nov 2001
yep, decent map. i liked a few of your other maps better. especially 'the hunt'.
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Raven[TCT] unregistered
#4   15 Oct 2001
Nice map, great playing! Like Eeatha said..->Funky! U gonna make more :)?
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hannibal unregistered
#3   11 Sep 2001
A fun place to frag around in for awhile...the boxy setup on the floor leads to some insane action with enough peeps, but the novelty wears off after a bit.
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The Loader unregistered
#2   10 Sep 2001
yep it´s ok but too small for me. I like it bigger and huge :)
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Eeatha unregistered
#1   09 Sep 2001
Funky! Very original map.
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