Your Favorite Custom Map Creator?!
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   21 Jul 2012
I was thinking about this over night and I just wondered who is your favorite mapper..?!. Mine is either Anwulf or Sock because both of there maps are absolutely amazing. Anwulf's map ''Fiemus Ravi'' was a winner for me since it's original and it's the type of map I would hold on my server. I thoroughly suggest you download that map now!. Sock has made amazing maps for E.G: Pyramid Of The Magician, The Edge Of Forever, Focal Point etc.. but the best thing about Sock's maps are Gameplay.Every map that Sock has made has brilliant Gameplay and no bad conditions which really surprises me since others have many problems. So who is your favorite mapper?!
CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   27 Jul 2012
I won't tell you who's my favourite mapper, but my favourite level is Almost Lost on Quake Live by ID software...

Sock has used a method of re-associated AAS file for POM, since the bsp has too faces to generate an AAS file straightly... Sock have made the same level with same item placement and the layout, but reduced the details to be able generate the AAS file for that level... AAS file has been renamed and re-associated with the original bsp level with -fixaas...

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   28 Jul 2012
@CZGhost: Wow! I never expected your favorite level to be ''Almost Lost By iD Software''. I thought yours would be one of Rota's maps.
Edited 15 seconds after the original posting.
Edited 47 seconds after the original posting.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   28 Jul 2012
I told at Quake Live... It's one of the playest map on QL ever... Rota's maps are also amazing, I love them...
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#5   29 Jul 2012
@CZGhost: I thought Blood Run was the most played at QL it seems very popular indeed. Lol I see.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   29 Jul 2012
@FT: The most played maps are more than just one at QL... It's Blood Run, Almost Lost, Campgrounds, etc...
Have seen also one server with Brimstone Abbey played. Good game...
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   29 Jul 2012
@CZGhost: Pretty interesting actually. What about Aerowalk..?! Isn't that played much.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#8   29 Jul 2012
I don't know, it's a premium arena... My account is only for standard games...
leilei Rep. 443
#9   31 Jul 2012
Willow. Wish he made more maps, Coral CTF was interesting for the theme alone and showed a lot of potential for more. It's the only favorite mapper I can name right now. I'm not saying willow is THE BEST MAPPER EVER
CZghost Rep. 1799
#10   12 Aug 2012
Sock makes beautiful maps, too. I like map La Bastille from this author, just as map Monolith. Rota's maps are just amazing - the playability and the overlook of the maps.

Thanks for the custom levels for over 11 years still alive game. Without that custom assets, modifications and levels the game is already dead.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#11   19 Aug 2012
@CZGhost: I agree with you fully the game would of been dead if it didn't have the software to make your own maps, mods etc..
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#12   01 Sep 2012
@FistMarine: I'm not too fond of conversions of original maps. I'm more of a ''Original'' guy.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#13   01 Sep 2012
@FistMarine: Haha! You got that right!
leilei Rep. 443
#14   02 Sep 2012
On the other hand i'm on the fence. I don't like to rely on obviously derivative works (OA is even getting rid of the tribute maps from the base pak for example) but I still like to play them for nostalgia and familiarity reasons as well as seeing alternate takes on stuff.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   31 Aug 2014
My favorite map creator for Quake 3 is Comic Relief. I just love his Hogwarts map from 2004, and I had lots of fun with his other maps. Gimmick themed maps are probably my favorite, especially when the gameplay with bots work as well.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#16   31 Aug 2014
Simon "Sock" O'Callaghan, his imposant architecture is really nice, rich details that do not ruin the gameplay with too much low framerate. Even with that amount of tris botplay is supported, although giving tut for making such large mps playable with bots, I do not fully understand it (speaking about aas fix, which should be used to associate aas made for less-detailed map, I do not understand how to, though)... Imposant mapper should achieve imposant thumb up :)
Tig Rep. 2452
#17   31 Aug 2014
By imposant, do you mean the French word for imposing? -

My guess is you really mean impressive, but you could have a minor typo and mean the urban slang term impostant - - which is "epic important".

What I'm finding most interesting is reading your post with each of the possible meanings of imposant :]

CZghost Rep. 1799
#18   31 Aug 2014
Imposing, impressive, these are synonyms, so I would say it is exactly the same I meant :)

I did not know impostant, thanks for my dictionary got enlarged :)

AKUTA Rep. 0
#19   05 Sep 2014
I like comic relief as well, especially the winter games map.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#20   06 Sep 2014
But the question is about authors. BTW, when it comes to maps themselves, I like the most Opposing Force, Agony and Zigurrat Tomb.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#21   06 Sep 2014
For me it's Aerowalk By Hubster, SiMetrik By Sock & Black Town By XPac. The three best maps I've played really I loved everything about them. Spent constant hours playing on those maps I'm surprised SiMetrik hasn't even made it to Quake Live yet honestly it's well worth it!

Edited 11.2 minutes after the original posting.

AKUTA Rep. 0
#22   06 Sep 2014
You can find Aerowalk and SiMetrik on the AKUTA server. Enjoy =]

Edited 4.46 hours after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#23   06 Sep 2014
Personally, I wouldn't realise use custom maps on my server. I'd just use the originals because some files may take time for the people who want to join the server to download and sometimes it may not even download meaning people will leave. But it's your server so Good Luck!
CZghost Rep. 1799
#24   07 Sep 2014
Well, FT. I think people that come to Q3 new will play original baseq3 rotation with satisfaction, but people who played every default arena in the game many times will gladly wait for download or gladly will download defined rotation on them own from given link. Note that people who are new to Q3 are counting down and people will be pleased by every new map that is good-rated by community and forced to download it and play eighter offline or online. Q3 servers are one by one shutting down, amount of them is counting down pretty quickly, reffering to QL. Newly created servers run old outdated versions which are not compatible with version of most people, the last one developer - 1.32c is mostly used by people offline playing with bots, but if I take AKUTA server that runs NoGhost server on version 1.15c - without version switcher I have no chance to play it. I downloaded NG mod for 1.32+ and it is really a bit bugy. Last I realised glitch that sent my look camera to the void when respawned (my model stayed in the map)...
Takkie Rep. 1868
#25   09 Oct 2014
For me it is charon.
Good balance between gameplay, visuals and bots. I remember the excitement every time charon came with a new map. And his geo-maps for the competitions by nunuk/sparth stood out in their own way.
I also like DruZli, d3xf1 and d3xf2 are amazing in their gameplay.
And mappers like bal, lunaran, tequila, killer and stormshadow are high on my fav. list... I think thre are a lot more mappers that should be mentioned here, the q3 community have and had some amazingly talented mappers building maps for it...

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