Whitelist for multiplayer games?
Started by Kyall
Kyall Rep. 477
#1   14 Jun 2012
At school, I create my own multiplayer maps through-out the computer rooms. There are about 20-25 other people that play Quake III Arena at any given time that join the games I create, but obviously, we cannot fit everyone onto the one game. So there are a few different games that are made when everyone is playing.

The problem is, a few of the people at school are "trolls"; they keep attacking teammates, commenting with offensive language, suiciding to lower the team score and are just generally not playing the game well.

I was wondering if there was a way to create a whitelist or if there was a mod that blocks certain people from the hosted game? I have used the /kick command to kick people from the game, but they keep rejoining. It would be easier if there was some way of putting a password onto the server.

Any help appreciated :D
Edited 35 seconds after the original posting.

Yes, type in /password [insert password here]. Also, there's a list of ban commands like banuser and banclient.
Tig Rep. 2452
#3   15 Jun 2012
This method is not very well documented, but works a charm. Use the following in your server.cfg:
seta g_password "no_trolls"

Then the players that join will need to type the following in the console after they try to join:
\password no_trolls

Alternatively, use the following method (in the server.cfg):
seta sv_maxclients 8
seta sv_privateclients 8
seta sv_privatepassword "no_trolls"

Lots more info here:

Kyall Rep. 477
#4   16 Jun 2012
@ Euronymous and Tig: Thank you, it was very helpful :D The /seta sv_privatepassword "no_trolls" did the trick well.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#5   28 Jun 2012
To avoid Teamkilling (HATE THAT SO MUCH) just set it so FF is OFF. I know it takes away from the realistic, but it is one of the things you can do to rain on the Troll's parade.
Yeah, but unfortunately they can still shoot you into voids and fog pits.
Kyall Rep. 477
#7   28 Jun 2012
@SW12: Nice suggestion, but the password suggestion has worked fine :D Also, I prefer it if they were not on my game at all. Even if they couldn't harm us, they themselves can still jump into the void, lava or acid to kill themselves, or shoot a "non-troll" into there. I appreciate the thought though :)

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