Endarchy - it's done
Started by Tig
Tig Rep. 2452
#1   07 Jun 2012
A little something I've been working on for years is finally finished, out the door and ready for downloading.

It's called Endarchy and is a single player mission for Doom 3. The projects started life as Industri on the Tenebrae engine, way back in 2002.

You will need a full copy of Doom 3 to play it.

Screenshot: endarchy.com/shots.php
Download options: endarchy.com/dloads.php

fKd Rep. 420
#2   07 Jun 2012
hell yeah, downloading
fKd Rep. 420
#3   07 Jun 2012
gratz on release btw :D
EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#4   08 Jun 2012
Looks professionally done and high-quality, I'd love to give it a go, but sadly I don't own Doom 3. Congrats on releasing your project though, I can tell how much hard work you put into it from the screens alone.
leilei Rep. 443
#5   08 Jun 2012
Minor site goof

Screenshots date a MONTH ahead!

Congratulations on finally getting this out though

Tig Rep. 2452
#6   08 Jun 2012
@leilei: Well spotted! Thanks for that, fixed now.
fKd Rep. 420
#7   08 Jun 2012
added thread over at q3w quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php

hope thats ok

Tig Rep. 2452
#8   08 Jun 2012
Thank you fKd, you are more than welcome to spread the news :]
What happens when Doom 3: BFG Edition comes out though?
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#10   28 Jun 2012
I would love to play it, but I do not have Doom 3. Just the demo.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   05 Jan 2014
Sorry for double post. I recently went out and bought Doom 3 BFG Edition, and was rather disappointed. When you try to install it, it just installs Steam. When you create an account for Steam and add Doom 3 BFG, it will show up on your list of games as already paid for. So instead of there being files on your hard drive, its on Steam so you cannot add custom maps, mods, etc.

I'm rather upset with this because I wanted to have fun with the map editor, and add some mods and maps. Yes, it comes with Doom & Doom II (along with bonus missions for both games and Doom 3) but you can't modify those either. Doom 3 is the only one that has multiplayer and it still has no co-op. Minor differences are notable as far as performance goes.

For anybody that just got the new Doom 3 BFG edition, I'm in the Doom 3 MP group. My username is KommissarReb

Tig Rep. 2452
#12   05 Jan 2014
Wow, that really sucks. I just cross-checked what you had to say and found:

PK4 archives are not supported, meaning any mods made for the original game cannot be loaded. The game has been modified to store levels and meshes in a compact binary format which the original version of the game cannot read, packed inside a streamed resource file format adapted from id Tech 5 called the ".resources" file.
-From: doomwiki.org/wiki/..._3:_BFG_Edition

To be honest, that is really sucky. So many good add-ons for D3 and now the new players can not use them :[

There is also this discussion - forums.steampowere.../showthread.php - and this one - www.doom3world.org...2/viewtopic.php - talking about the issue.

BTW, the original version can be picked up pretty cheap - www.ebay.com.au/it...5-/360827564192 - if you shop around.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#13   05 Jan 2014
@Tig: I'd like to get the original game, of course that would be difficult in my case without a credit card. I think I may know some people who have an original copy they would lend to me.

I really don't understand why ID did this to BFG edition. I had no idea they would suddenly decide to suddenly stop making it customizable. You can't even use the console unless you type something in somewhere.

I suppose that's what I get for not reading about this before buying the game. I mean, it does have extra stuff I haven't seen before, as well as fixes and whatnot, but I could have added my own additions to the original retail version of D3 anyway. So in other words, the new BFG edition is really just a noobs-only version of the DooM series.

Tig Rep. 2452
#14   05 Jan 2014
From memory, to "force" the console you can press CTRL+ALT+~. The "~" key may be different on your keyboard, but it should be what ever key is under the ESC one.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   20 Jan 2014
@Tig: I just read the GameStop return policy, and it says that I have 9 days left to return the game before I'm stuck with it for good. I don't know anybody that has the original Doom 3, and I read somewhere that you can't get the original Doom 3 on Steam any more. Do you know of any stores would still sell [relatively] old PC games?
Tig Rep. 2452
#16   20 Jan 2014
I would jump on the phone to your local stores and have a chat. You may be surprised what you find. At a guess you will need to ring a few. That is what I have done in the past.

Also, you can still get Doom 3 on Steam - store.steampowered.com/app/9050/ - its $9.99 (for Australians any way)

There is always ebay if you have PayPal or a credit card - www.ebay.com.au/it...3-/291057783240

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#17   20 Jan 2014
@KommissarReb (SW12): Tig's right about using eBay & PayPal. I trust eBay more than Amazon to be honest. I just oredered the Limited Edition of Unreal Tournament 2004 & Unreal Tournament 3 on PC for such a cheap price and it's in brand new condition. Amazon works well with books and technology but if your looking for games, DVD's etc.., you better go searching on eBay because they have wonderful deals and offers.

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