Can anyone pointed me where to download...
Started by SgtGhost
SgtGhost Rep. 0
#1   21 Mar 2012
The latest version of Gtkradiant?
The main website doesn't seem to have the link and I can’t seem to find anything.

I haven't touched this in years and I want to get back into it.
I am also looking for some websites that are still updated cuz I’m going to need to get back to some reading.

Not sure if there are any old timer mappers that still hang around here, but the maps I did back in the day where,

Ra3map11 (worked with Weibo de Wit)
Ospca1 (for osp and cpm)
And various insta gib maps.

2 of my maps are posted here.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated!
I also posted on Quake live hoping to get some help.


themuffinator Rep. 1064
#2   21 Mar 2012
Here are all the versions from 1.2.11 onwards:

1.4.0 is still the best version to use though as it was the last version made before some moron went ape shit with the code modifying or removing features just because he felt like it. If you're rocking Vista or 7 and can't get it to work, then the latest 1.6.x version should do the job.
Edited 1.32 minutes after the original posting.

SgtGhost Rep. 0
#3   21 Mar 2012
thank you very much for the help!


FragTastic Rep. 2467
#4   22 Mar 2012
@SgtGhost: themuffinator is right click the link to find new & updated version of GtkRadiant. Btw Welcome To ..::Lvl World :).
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#5   22 Mar 2012
Another superfluous post by FragTastic, well done buddy.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#6   23 Mar 2012
@themuffinator: Haha! Thanks bro :).
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#7   23 Mar 2012
Ohhhhh dear. You are a hopeless case.
And you're rude...
GuitarMan Rep. 569
#9   01 Apr 2012
No, he's right.
Right about what?
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   23 Sep 2012
@FragTastic: It's hilarious how you are oblivious to obvious sarcasm.

@Eurynomous: themuffinator isn't being rude. He is pointing out Frag's weak resistance to the temptation to spammingly greet people.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#12   23 Sep 2012
@SW12: Mate, it's just a joke and yet again you decide to stick your nose into conversations when your not even needed in it.
Edited 3.45 minutes after the original posting.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#13   24 Sep 2012
Of course I am needed; I am the life of the party!
Edited 5.12 hours after the original posting.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   25 Sep 2012
@SW12: Whatever you say boss!

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