It's few sundays from posting last review (Testing Procedures), but no answer was sent back... Have been the e-mail filled out? If yes, I'll invite the answer soon...
Tig Rep. 2452
#2 18 Jan 2012
Sorry! Just sent you a reply.
FragTastic have reached you in comments by few weeks Tig... Thumbs up for her...
Pretty sure Frag is a guy, just like all other internet spammers who pose as females. Not sure though...
Yes, I have an avatar with TankJR bright picture, too... Not my real photo...
Who are you, themuffinatorrrrrr? themuffinman?
Just because FT uses a female picture as an avatar, doesn't mean such person is a female or poses as one... in case you haven't noticed, the chick in the pic is Megan Fox. But we're waaaay off topic here and I don't want to get a warning because of that.
Its taking an awfully long time for the submitted reviews to show up on the list. Does it have to be strictly 30 days?
Edited 2.29 days after the original posting.
@All: I'm a guy and I use Megan Fox's avatar because she's my favorite celeb & thanks CZGhost for the praise.
@themuffinator: It's called being an active member. I just don't download maps for the sake of it I give feedback on how the map is and how it can be improved so the mapper can improve next time so there's no point of moaning about the amount of ''Spam'' comments I posted.
Edited 54 seconds after the original posting.
I will, if nobody else did. I will try not to review a map somebody else reviewed. But sometimes there is no way of telling whether it was already reviewed or not. I reviewed the "Dawn Of Time" map.
I reviewed a map called ''COBRA CTF1 By Bek[?Italics?]{COBRA}[?/Italics?] but did not receive any information of mine on to the review like the name. Tig could you sort it out please..?!
@FragTastic: Sorry for the delay in fixing up the review details! It is all done now.
@Tig: How long now? I wait with baited breath O.O
@SW12: How long for what?
If you mean for the next site update, I don't have 6 reviews yet, so I don't know. If it is something else, please include some more details :]
I have one solution, pickup 2 random maps plus and make a review for that. That will fix 3 missing reviews to the site update...
If someone hasn't Team Arena, then the 2 random maps is his job, and the my map is for someone who owns a copy of TA...
@Tig: I was talking about reviews, yes. I reviewed a map called "Glucosa/Mapping Molecules". I will review more maps, only if I know nobody else beat me to it.
@SW12: Great! Got your review. If you include your email when you submit the reviews I'll let you know when I get them.
As to the maps you want to review, if you let me know what they are I can flag them as "Review pending" - to let others know someone is working a review for that map.
@Tig: As of the stroke of midnight, I finished reviews for jas3dm2 & jas3dm3. Just thought I'd announce that so people know.
Anyhoo, there ya go. 7 reviewed maps :D
@SW12: That's a lot of maps you have reviewed. I'll be reviewing more maps when I'm free.
@All: FYI I only reviewed 4 of those 7 maps.
Dawn Of Time,
Glucosa(May appear as
Mapping Molecules),
jas3dm2 (Onion),
jas3dm3 (Yeast).
But yeah, four reviews is a lot. I just wanted to help speed things up, I guess :D
Edited 2.57 minutes after the original posting.
@SW12: Got your reviews, sent a reply, but it bounced. Just wanted to let you know. Currently working on the videos for the update. Maybe 24 or 48 hours until the next update - depends on how much free time I get in the next 2 days.
@Tig: How do you make these videos?!. I want to take a video of me playing my latest map and actually want to post it on this website. If you can tell me how then that would be great
Edit: I submitted a review for Kaffewunder's latest map, Bloodfactory (xccc_dm7). I sent you a message Tig and hopefully you can get back to me soon.
@FragTastic: To make a video:
- Install and use IOQuake3
- Record a demo, then...
- Use the console command:
\demo <name of demo> ; video <name of demo>
This will create a video of the demo. Once you have that you need to edit it with some video editing software.
@Tig: Thanks man :). It's not gonna be easy but I'll try my best.
Edited 37.77 minutes after the original posting.
@SW12: All updated except for "Beneath the Waves" by Wakey. There is currently a limitation in the way reviews are linked to a member.
Basically, the reviews can only be linked to one member. "Beneath the Waves" was also review by EmeraldTiger, so it is currently linked to him - and will need to stay that way, sorry.
That's okay. At least most of the reviews I did show up on my list now. That's good enough for me :)
I remember reviewing a map but never had it on my list. I think it was called ''23 tons of steel'' something like that. Tig could you add that review on my list please because I remember reviewing that one.
@FragTastic: The review has been updated and linked to you.