This is DM6 converted to Q3 Map format and compiled with Garux/Q3Map2.
The intended target is DarkPlaces (and my Zircon Engine) as an experiment to convert Quake maps as-is to Q3 map format.
I tested/ensured that the map will load in Open Arena and Quake Sandbox, although Quake 3 entities are different than Quake 1 so there are no torches on the wall, for example, if the map is loaded in Quake Sandbox or Open Arena.

(Above pic is a picture of the compiled DM6_q3.bsp running in Zircon -- a DarkPlaces fork, I had to set the "linear radius" spawnflag on all the lights for q3map2 to get the lighting similar to Q1 radius lighting. )
Download link: (final .map source included, plus id1.wad in TGA format).
This was a mini-research project test.
Edited 2.25 minutes after the original posting.Edited 3.07 minutes after the original posting.Edited 4.62 minutes after the original posting.