Can we maybe have a tournament sometime soon?
Started by bkos
bkos Rep. 0
#1   04 Nov 2022
I was thinking since a while ago that maybe we could organise a small for-fun tournament - maybe even a recurring one if it catches on. No big prizes like Ferraris or the like, but maybe a mention in a "hall of fame" of some kind here on the forum or somewhere else on the LvL site?
I could host a dedicated server with some demo auto-recording (need to dust off my q3 console commands skills...) for Europe up to however far latency allows for sensible gaming, where we can fight our matches and just honestly note down results in a forum thread and later play finals. Someone could do likewise for US, Asia, Africa, LatAm players if we get those. We could agree on a source port and mod and maps from LvL to use and go forward with that.
What do you think?
Edited 1.32 hours after the original posting.
gooball Rep. 1161
#2   04 Nov 2022
Tig had a server up awhile ago as an experiment, but I believe the connectivity was pretty bad (at least for me) so unfortunately it didn't stay up long. I would love just a general ..::LvL server with a good custom map rotation - maybe switch it up every month or so. Tournament would be fun too. My Q3 skills (or lack thereof) might need some refreshing :P

Would love to play or even host but I'm currently cursed with satellite internet due to my location in rural Michigan, competent internet service is basically non-existent here.
Edited 1.07 minutes after the original posting.

bkos Rep. 0
#3   04 Nov 2022
Hello gooball!

I guess for a satellite link the latency will not be ideal in any circumstances :(. We could have a test go together once I get everything set up but might not be a great experience. If I traceroute correctly, LvL server sits somewhere in California so also quite a bit away from you.
I will be back once I have a thing running. Would you be OK with a recent quake3e server with CPMa 1.50 on top?

gooball Rep. 1161
#4   04 Nov 2022
I'm afraid it wouldn't be worth it for just me, my ping is usually upwards of 600ms - well beyond anything even close to playable. For now I think I'll have to sit this one out :/ Hopefully others will have success.
Tig Rep. 2442
#5   04 Nov 2022
Cool! Sounds like a good idea. I'm guessing the dispersion of the small core group of people is going to be the biggest challenge.

The ..::LvL server is set-up for a Web Server. It works perfectly as that :) As a gaming server, not so much.

If some kind of tournament does become established, I'm happy to have a page or other kind of support on the site. Just let me know what you need and if possible, it will happen.

bkos Rep. 0
#6   05 Nov 2022
Thank you for supporting this Tig!
I am sure we can work something out if we get to long distance matches. Worst case we can have regional champions :).
bkos Rep. 0
#7   07 Nov 2022
Can I ask someone to try and join and see if it works? It's a test run so no fancy configs or anything. The server runs quake3e and CPMA 1.52.
raspatan Rep. 4690
#8   09 Nov 2022
Would love a q3 get together. Problem is ping (I'm southern Chile) as well as timezones. A Saturday would be the best, in an agreed date via a poll (doodle or something).
In order to discount ping issues, we can make it less about "competition" and more about "collective discovery and testing" of just released maps. This way we can contribute with comments and votes.
PD: @Tig, can we make this forum to send you email alerts when one is mentioned? Otherwise is hard to keep track of this in real-time.
bkos Rep. 0
#9   10 Nov 2022
Haha, in two of us case I could ask a colleague to host a server somewhere in New York for us - should be relatively half-way for both :).
But yes, I agree it would make more sense for exploratory purposes rather than hardcore DM unless we are close enough to have a real fight.
Too bad the Quake 3 community is not as big as it has been some years ago...
raspatan Rep. 4690
#10   13 Nov 2022
Will create a new post with a call out!

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