If you have the maps akutatourney4 + akutatourney6 at the same time in the BASEQ3 directory, there is a graphic error in akutatourney6 in the outside fog or in akutatourney4 with the yellow outside windows !
CORRECTION of the error:
- akutatourney6.pk3\scripts\akutatourney4.shader (copy content of shader file with editor), and in akutatourney4.pk3\scripts\akutatourney4.shader (copy < into the very beginning of the shader file).
- after that in: akutatourney6.pk3\scripts\akutatourney4.shader <delete this file !
- after that in: akutatourney6.pk3\textures\akutatourney4\*.* copy to: akutatourney4.pk3\textures\akutatourney4\ (3 tga-files)
- then: akutatourney6.pk3\scripts\akutatourney4\ (delete the directory "akutatourney4" including its content.
Error removed !
Edited 6.78 minutes after the original posting.Edited 1.43 days after the original posting.