Kann jemand eine Q3-Waffe "reparieren" - Can anyone "fix" a Q3 gun ?
Started by BOCKWURST
#1   04 Jul 2022
Ist jemand im Forum, der eine Q3-Waffe "reparieren" kann ?
die .pk3 Datei vom Jahr 2002 ist hier zum Download:

Ich habe den Autor angemailt...keine Antwort !
Folgendes Problem:
kopiere "wep7_railgun_lda.pk3" ins BASEQ3, starte Q3-EXE im Softwaremode (nicht ioQuake)! Starte als Beispiel Map Q3TOURNEY3 (weil dort die Waffe zu sehen ist). Dann siehst du wie geil die Railgun aussieht. Wenn du schiesst, ändert sich nochmal die Grafik.
Wenn du jetzt ioQUAKE startest, funktioniert die Waffe auch, aber die Grafik ist eingefroren (sieht scheisse aus). Ich kann nicht programmieren, kann mir aber vorstellen, das in der .pk3 die Datei "LDArailgun.shader" evtl. gepatched werden kann ?
Wäre schön wenn jemand die "wep7_railgun_lda.pk3" patchen könnte, so dass die unter ioQUAKE auch grafisch toll aussieht !

Is there anyone on the forum who can "fix" a Q3 gun ?
the .pk3 file from 2002 is here for download:

I have emailed the author...no reply !
The following problem:
copy "wep7_railgun_lda.pk3" into BASEQ3, start Q3-EXE in softwaremode (not ioQuake) ! Start as example map Q3TOURNEY3 (because there you can see the gun). Then you see how cool the railgun looks. When you shoot, the graphic changes again.
If you now start ioQUAKE, the gun also works, but the graphics is frozen (looks like shit). I can't program, but I can imagine that in the .pk3 the file "LDArailgun.shader" can be patched ?
Would be nice if someone could patch the "wep7_railgun_lda.pk3", so that it looks graphically great under ioQUAKE !
Edited 23.66 hours after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2442
#2   04 Jul 2022
@BOCKWURST : The best I could come up with is below. This makes the "core" of the Railgun black on the weapon pick-up and corrects the issue in your hand when the Railgun is selected. I could not work out any other fix.

If you want to try it, copy and paste the text below into the top of scripts/LDArailgun.shader

Open the .shader file in any a text editor.

sort additive
cull disable
map models/weapons2/railgun/LDArailgun2.glow.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbGen entity
tcMod scroll -2 0
map models/weapons2/railgun/LDArailgun4.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbGen entity
tcMod scroll 3 -1
tcMod turb 3 0.1 0 3

#3   04 Jul 2022
Hello TIG, I don't believe it, you fixed the wep7_railgun_lda.pk3 !
Under software Q3-exe the graphic looks light blue like before =cool, under ioQUAKE/ioVULKAN the graphic is now green =SUPERCOOL !!!!
I think TIG, your real name is John Carmack, right ?
Thanks a lot TIG, you are the best !
#4   04 Jul 2022
@TIG, I see it only now: when I change the color under SETUP\PLAYER\EFFECTS, it also changes the color in the "wep7_railgun_lda.pk3".
This is really awesome, you did a great job !
Mapsking Rep. 402
#5   10 Jul 2022
I'm not sure if this helps, and I did test Tig's version as well (similar to original), but I have this version, and it may be the original one. The file labeled "wep-LDA_Railgun.PK3" does not work correctly in ioquake3, but the one entitled "ZZZ-WEAPON-LDA_Railgun.pk3" does work correctly. You can compare the shaders, sounds, and whatnot, but if you want to check it out, it is here: www.dropbox.com/s/...LDA_Railgun.pk3
#6   11 Jul 2022
I think, you must change your name to WEPSKING ! New (old) versions appear all the time, ingenious. Thank you much for this version, I like it ! It runs...!!!

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