Where I can find Quake Bacis Maps Retextured?
Started by fifi
fifi Rep. 0
#1   16 Apr 2020
Hey, can you recommand any links with retextured maps from basic quake's maps?
I'm not looking for popular high quality textures sets but any fancy edit avaible especially for Quake Live maps.
Tig Rep. 2442
#2   16 Apr 2020
If you are not after a re-texture pack, what exactly are you after?
fifi Rep. 0
#3   17 Apr 2020
Yes, I'm looking for re-textured maps for q3a or ql.
If you are not after a re-texture pack, what exactly are you after?

I mean there is a lot of packs with regular textures with quality improvment.
I'm looking for something new like in this video:
Tig Rep. 2442
#4   17 Apr 2020
The map in the video is Aerowalk. There are a number of version of that map on here.

If you are looking for a "pack" of good maps, I would suggest checking out ..::LvL Q3A - 20 Years map pack - lvlworld.com/review/id:2401

fifi Rep. 0
#5   17 Apr 2020
I'm not looking for a "pack" of good maps but basic maps remakes or retextured. Anyone can help?
Tig Rep. 2442
#6   18 Apr 2020
In that case, you can use the tag search options for "Remake". Here are a few:
Quake 3 remakes - lvlworld.com/searc...20-%20Quake%203
Quake 2 remakes - lvlworld.com/searc...20-%20Quake%202
Quake remakes - lvlworld.com/searc...ake%20-%20Quake
Doom remakes - lvlworld.com/searc...make%20-%20Doom
CounterStrike remakes - lvlworld.com/searc...20CounterStrike
And, Unreal Tournament - lvlworld.com/searc...al%20Tournament
There are a few more remake options too.
fifi Rep. 0
#7   19 Apr 2020
thank you:)

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