
There's a new law soon to be out stating if you upload videos, screenshots, interviews or reviews of any copyrighted content, this goes for music, games and everything else copyrighted, your video will be removed and you'll fined thousands of dollars or 5 years in jail. This will terribly hinder the whole of the internet community, you'll not be notified of new music, games, etc. and you'll be extremely restricted from just about anything. Game companies will have no control over it, only the government. To upload any game content you'll need permission from the game company.
Edited 11.27 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 14.67 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 21.25 minutes after the original posting.

EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#2   03 Jul 2011
So if it gets passed, it means Tig has to take down all his vids for the maps it seems. And a lot of other stuff happening as well.

I hope it gets vetoed to death. This completely goes against the freedom of the internet.
Edited 2.57 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2422
#3   03 Jul 2011
Unlikely to get passed, but good that people are aware of it.

It is already an offence to publish copyrighted content. The changes are just to make it more of an offence with bigger fines / jail time.

Only need to worry if you ignore the take down notice (as far as I understand) and if you are publishing copyrighted content for financial or commercial gains. ..::LvL does not make any money, in fact it cost me a fair bit - we should be alright :]

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#4   04 Jul 2011
This seriously worries me. I hope they do not pass this stupid bill. It would be like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis all over again.
Edited 9.95 minutes after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2422
#5   04 Jul 2011
@SW12: No, it would be nothing like Adolf Hitler and Nazis. You would not be killed or singled out because of your heritage and beliefs.

You would be put in jail and/or face a large fine IF you upload copyrighted media.

I think there is a big difference.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   04 Jul 2011
Well....I sometimes tend to exaggerate. Anyway, from some people they said they killed the bill, but I'm not sure.

But I wouldn't worry too much about this. Because they are trying to target people uploading movies and music on the internet. I hear they are targeting You Tube. I think they may leave gaming videos alone because of most people's disagreements.
Edited 9.97 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2422
#7   04 Jul 2011
Don't get me wrong, I completely disagree with the Bill and do not think it should go ahead. I also strongly encourage people to contact their local members and let them know you don't like the Bill.

Lobbies have way to much influence on politics and the Music and Movie industry are behind a lot of terrible ideas.

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