Maps without Bot Support
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#1   01 Apr 2015
There are maps that I believe have the potential to be very fun, but have no bot support. There was a time when I could do a LAN game of <4 people, but with dwindling computers and willing players, I haven't been able to enjoy maps like "
Ascension to Uncertainty"

Anyone know how to make a working bot file for maps without?

Takkie Rep. 1868
#2   01 Apr 2015
I know how to make an .aas
I tried gor this map but the compiler quits due to errors in the map.
So sorry no bot file for this map.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#3   04 Apr 2015
Sadly these authors made only one map that has tons of flaws and their contact address does not work, so you can't say them to repair it or at least give source map. I also bet they do not have source map files and their media backed up somewhere and some of them do not play Quake 3 anymoore and few even do not have a copy of Q3. These maps often have bad design, but there are few that are good designed, some of them even great, but the lack of AAS bot file downgrades the map rating. Some just forgot, some escaped from AAS compile when an error occured (they did not know what to do, where it is the error and just released the map with the flaws and without AAS bot file)... That way I'm trying to contact Maxell, who did amazing experimental map School. It is not designed for gameplay support, even it plays quite good, but it has great deal of visuals and it almost copies real world place in Brno, it is his high school he graduaded some years ago... This map lacks bot support, it is probably forever in beta. I'd like to see how it would play with bots, but it's probably only a dream... Nobody seen him since his last contribution...
Blood Rep. 334
#4   05 Apr 2015
@CZghost: I think this is the map you are referring too, he made this vid a while back.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#5   05 Apr 2015
Yeah, that's the one. It's years back and this is his last Q3 map creation. I'm not sure he's just too busy or what else... He's not talking with us, his guestbook on his web is full of questions and nobody gets response. He did not include his email address to contact him, so I can't say him to return back and see if he is still active... The school map is brilliantly done, actually it contains heaps of easter eggs and I think the map itself is one big easter egg. I was so insipired by this work so I decided to try out making similar job. No, I don't use school as template, I use our house and backyard plus some surrounding places (to make pretty vast map). I'm not sure how many easter eggs was placed in School map, but I'm gonna use 15 different eggs and 3 secrets with photos from real that shows differences between real template and the digital copy... Anyway, this one is running pretty long trace, so some ordinary maps would come during the building... I need first prepare all resources (photos, textures, sounds, models) - then need to make basic model of layout and test it's proportions, then I can end up with public release...
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   22 Apr 2015
BTW if Tig reads this, may I request that the download for Rainbow_Zanadar's Tokay's Towers ( be updated to the version with bot support? RZ made a comment that linked to a version of his map that had bot support, but the link is now dead. I have the map that has bot support however. Do you suppose the one without bot support could be replaced with the one in my link, since RZ's link is dead and I don't remember where else I may have gotten it from? This can be done by taking the zip file and placing the bot supported version inside. I know this may seem a bit shady but its worth a try, right?.

Edited 44 seconds after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#7   26 Apr 2015
Tokay's Towers by Rainbow_Zanadar has been updated to include bot support. Thanks heaps for that KommissarReb (SW12)!

Sorry about the delay in doing this, I had no power for about 4 days due to some big storms in Australia.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#8   26 Apr 2015
No worries, I think every bigger storm everywhere can disable any power. In Czech Republic there are few storms a year that interrupt some powerlines, nothing surprising. Once there was thunderstorm right above our house. Sure we had to unplug computer, TV and any other electronics... Anyway, where do you live to be exact? Sydney, Marlbourne or Canberra? Or do you live more to internal boundaries than along the coast?
Tig Rep. 2452
#9   26 Apr 2015
I'm on the Central Coast of NSW. A little north of Sydney. Here is some coverage of the recent storm:
CZghost Rep. 1799
#10   26 Apr 2015
That looks terrible... Good you are up now :)
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   02 Jun 2015
Another map without bot support

Anybody want to help with this one? I would love to play it because it looks fun.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#12   04 Jun 2015

Invalid bevels, tried parent... Tried to compile AAS both directly from same folder and game folder. Seems this is common on maps with bad construction. Sadly no source map file included and I bet on that author did not keep it, so no way to at least make bot version of map and asaign new AAS to the old map...

Blood Rep. 334
#13   04 Jun 2015
Update June 7/2015
Made some adjustments to the server to feature 5 maps so that a variety of maps can be tested.
Some tinkering tonight, and hopefully will have the following maps on rotation:
-Goldleaf by Pat Howard
-Kora by Rota
-No One by R3x.theCat
-Cosmic Cathedral

Edited 4 days after the original posting.

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