beta sr3dm1 rl & rg map
Started by Takkie
Takkie Rep. 1868
#1   29 Dec 2014
Hi all,
I've build this little map.
When you spawn you get or rocketlauncher or the railgun, the machinegun is disabled.
There are no items in the map. Bots do work because i used the botroam item to create some routes. At start you get 10 ammo so you need to frag to get ammo.
I'd like to know what you think of the gameplay, bots and the brightness in the level.
Any other comments are welcome too.
Here is the download link.


Updated the link with a newer version.
Different texturing, layout tweaks, brighter lighting and you spawn with armour and more ammo.

Updated with the final version:
The 'Slugs and Rockets' version and the 'vanilla' version are both in the .zip file.


Tig Rep. 2452
#2   29 Dec 2014
Played the "no items" maps in a 4 player FFA. Might be nice to spawn with 200 Armour and a little more ammo. Also included was sr3dm2(a) which has missing textures. The size of sr3dm2 looks good and plays well btw.

Interested to see the maps in a Team Mode where one team (say Red for Rocket) always spawns with a RL and the Blue team always with a Rail. Just an idea.

Some visual variation on the areas might be nice too. Would not need much with you wanted to keep with the minimal look, but does need a little something.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#3   29 Dec 2014
Hey, thanks for the comments Tig.
I agree the areas are too much alike. I'll look into that. The armor idea is great. I wonder if 200 isn't a bit too much but i'll give it a go and otherwise i reduce it to 100. sr3dm2 is the second map the .bsp got in there by accident.
iirc in tdm q3 uses info_player_deathmatch a spawn point, it is not set to team colour (unlike ctf )
So i doubt if i can make it work without a mod... we'll see. Thanks again Tig

Edited 29 days after the original posting.

Blood Rep. 334
#4   31 Dec 2014
Hey Takkie,
  1. the layout is fun but a bit too plainly textured.
  2. I'd brighten the map up a little
  3. It seems unbalanced in favor of whoever spawns with a rocket launcher. When i spawned with railgun i sometimes had two bots shooting multiple rockets and I only got 1 rail shot off before dying. What i mean is the player should always start with rockets, and get rail gun only after earning a frag. Other wise it seems a bit off when i spawn with just rails.
  4. I'd add some steps to that one corner of the map where if you are on the bottom you cant get up but you can hop down. Four or five steps would open that up a little.
It seems the map is testing you on two areas, your ability to kill efficiently with limited ammo, and your skills with rockets rails and buzz saws. This map is good for people who like just those two weapons, or are trying to up their skills.

But i also can see this as another take on a quake 3 level where upping your skills isnt the point, the point is to have fun with just rockets and rails, whatever you spawn with so be it and the only way to get more ammo or another weapon is to frag. Which is how i see it, as i no longer care about how skilled i am lol.

Edit: Oh, i just played it again and forgot to mention jump pads. Railing people when they fly through the air is fun, everyone loves to do it. With railing being a big part of this map, maybe have one of the open areas have a jump pad that tosses you fairly high, but more importantly, across, an opening, giving players a flying target to hit. And maybe make the jump pads something they want to go on even if it means being railed, by making the YA the target of the jump pad. On an alcove somewhere.

Edited 4.12 hours after the original posting.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#5   31 Dec 2014
Thanks for checking the map out and the comments!
  1. i've retextured it in something more interesting.
  2. I'll up the gamma a bit in compile and i'll add some lights sources.
  3. I'll try that out. That section may indeed some more flexibility...
The map is just for fun.
The rl and rg are my fav. ever since i started playing q3 (15 yrs ago).
This map is the first in a serie of maps all dedicated to slugs and rockets.
(and as a sort of mappack for the mod 'slugs and rockets')
Every now and then a map comes up here on ..::LvL wich is very simple and rocket/rails only. Most of them are too simple and have huge amounts of ammo and badly working bots.
This serie of maps are a bit of a dedication to these kind of maps. But with good working bots and a layout and gameplay wich is (hopfully) a bit more fun and lasting then just a single game or only for checking it out.
It is not intented for skill training or any kind of competitive play.
Just for fun with bots ;)
In the past 15 yrs i noticed i am not very good at playing q3 (i suck at it) but i love it deeply. I was 25 when i started now i have family a full time job and not much spare time for q3. With a limited time and a rather small attention span i still want to make maps. So i set a sort of time limit for about 4 - 5 weeks per map. So the maps will be sort off limited wich i don't mind i've always liked smaller maps.
I'll keep 'the spawn with rl or rg' style add an armour of 100 points and give players a starting ammo of 25.
Your jumppad idea is great i will use that in upcoming maps. I'm planning some space maps too so those will be in favor of the rg.
I have some ideas for closing up space maps so the rl isn't useless but that's for another time...
Thanks for your time playing and testing and your comments! A newer version will be up soon. Cheers.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#6   02 Jan 2015
A new version is up for testing.
Hope you like it ;)
Link is in the first post
Tig Rep. 2452
#7   03 Jan 2015
I like the game play :] Only had a very quick game however (~5min).

There is a jump pad where you can hit your head if you jump on to the pad.

Blood Rep. 334
#8   04 Jan 2015
There is a jump pad where you can hit your head if you jump on to the pad.
I found this too. Its on the bottom floor in one of the corners, where you made changes to the connectivity making it possible to get up and down not just down anymore. I think you could probably just extend that brush forward and the trigger brush and it should be better no biggie.
The retexturing looks much better, especially the jump pad textures, nice choice there.

Spawning with the rail gun now feels more balanced. I realize you need more rail shots now if enemies have more armor like you do, but at least now when you do spawn with the rail gun you can take a couple more hits to buy you time to either get a good rail shot in on a weak enemy or find a rocket to get to the ideal state of having both weapons.
Tinkering further over those specifics isnt really needed in my opinion, it seems better now. :)
Maybe add some music not just the eerie draft sound?
About all that needs retouching is that 1 jump pad, otherwise i think the current layout and design suits the concept you had in mind.

Edited 8.08 minutes after the original posting.

Takkie Rep. 1868
#9   06 Jan 2015
Thanks for the feedback! I've adjusted the jumppad and headbump is not an issue anymore. I had all sound set to global instead of local so that was too noisy...
I'm really satisfied with the gameplay setting. The 100 armour spawn with 21 ammo is somehow 'balanced'.
I'm a happy 'camper'. I just want to check a few things out and then i'll call it final... and put it up for review.
Takkie Rep. 1868
#10   10 Jan 2015
Updated first post with final version.
Submitted this one to ..::LvL
Thanks Tig & Blood
I'm happy how this one turned out.
Blood Rep. 334
#11   10 Jan 2015
Glad to help Takkie, I've always enjoyed seeing the changes in maps going from beta to final.

Edited 1.23 minutes after the original posting.

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