New Quake 3 Arena server AKUTA!!!
Started by AKUTA
AKUTA Rep. 0
#1   05 Sep 2014
Hi everyone I have set up a new server called: AKUTA


or browse through the list for: AKUTA

Can also find us at Qtracker!

Great shotgun and Hook, use of decoys and other things! Have a brand new line up for the map rotation, tons of new maps which you can download here:

The maps are very well worth the time to check out so please do! Also, you must have the maps dled into your baseq file inside your quake directory in order to play them on the server. All maps at the given link above are on rotation so you must have them all.

There is also vanilla maps on rotation as well with the new maps.

This server runs on version 1.15c and when you get a chance come check us out!

Admin edit: Removed CAPS-LOCK title.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   05 Sep 2014
Looking to the thread on Q3W, you set it up for Team Arena or baseq3 instead? I read in the thread that witing in year 2008 you want to set up TA server (good luck now), now you wrote here it was just launched and tweaked, but here you say it is for Q3A with basic vanilla install plus the maps in rotation. So I ask, what game it is launched for? It seems pretty confusing for me.
AKUTA Rep. 0
#3   06 Sep 2014
I never stated it was for Team arena on any post, I labeled thread as NEW QUAKE 3 ARENA SERVER, and it is baseq. I didn't say it was a vanilla server, I mentioned it had vanilla maps along with the new mappack. That was the only mention of vanilla. As for the 2008 thread, i didn't start that thread some other person looking for new maps to play on did. He/She was talking about team arena. So I have no idea where your seeing me mentioning my server is for team arena. The post on here has the EXACT same wording as the thread I used on Quake3world. It seemed pretty clear and makes no mention of team arena whatsoever. I have no posts referring to team arena either let alone setting a server up for it. So i guess read more carefully? The server has been up for a little while now but not long, i'm just getting the word out letting people know its there. Hope that makes it less confusing for you.

Edited 6.3 minutes after the original posting.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#4   06 Sep 2014
Sorry, it was kidcash :D I misread it was you, but it wasn't :) Sorry :))
AKUTA Rep. 0
#5   06 Sep 2014
np, feel free to check out the server sometime
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   06 Sep 2014
Tried to connect with 1.32c version in hope that it will automatically ignore additional game paks (temporarily downgrading to prescribed version), but it didn't. Pretty shame, I don't want to use downgrade software for that but want to check out the server :)
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#7   06 Sep 2014
Hmm I think I've seen your server before. But no worries I'll be sure to stop by sometime ;D.
AKUTA Rep. 0
#8   06 Sep 2014
CZGhost you could try q3versionswitcher and see if that works for you
Tig Rep. 2422
#9   06 Sep 2014
Why use such an old and buggy version of Quake 3? This is a little suspicious to me.

Personally people, I would not be connecting to this server for this reason - at least not until a valid reason was posted.

Seriously, I would be looking at running an ioquake3 dedicated server which includes a heaps of fixes instead of something as old as 1.15!

AKUTA Rep. 0
#10   06 Sep 2014
1.15c is used because its much less glitchy than 1.16, and runs better with noghost build 911. There is build 29 for noghost for 1.32c but glitches occur when g_reloads are changed for any combination of weapons. This server uses an a rapid rate of reload for the shotgun for the purpose of shotgun and hook. There are other weapons with different rates as well. Other minor glitches occur on 1.32c for build 29 when changed as well. 1.15c runs much more smooth and clients suffer no gameplay glitches due to the server being on 1.15c to my knowledge. I have had many clients through the server with no gameplay related problems due to 1.15c at all. 1.15c is also used by BNB shotgun and hook server which has employed 1.15c version for many years because of its reliability. Many other servers are ran on 1.15c as well for this very reason. The clients are able to accomplish all game functions with no glitches on this version for this server. For the style of play this server incorporates 1.15c is the best version to use.

Have you even been on the server? If not, then why are you painting an negative image about a server you don't even know. There are also several maps on this website with errors and glitches being offered for download that are also very old and some still used. But I wouldn't post a comment telling everyone to avoid maps to download when I just assumed they had glitches because they were old.

If someone is on version 1.16 or lower of q3a, will have no problems being able to connect and play on this server according to the version, connection of server, and server cfg settings are concerned. If they are using a bad internet connection there's no version in the world that will help that. Server side settings for this server 1.15c and cfg's are sound and running smooth.

Tig Rep. 2422
#11   06 Sep 2014
OK, so your server runs an old version of the NoGhost mod and an old version of Quake 3 because of certain features and stability of that particular version of the NoGhost mod. That is fair enough. It is your choice of course.

It also looks like you are running this from a Charter Communications home network in St Louis, Missouri, US of A. My ping to USA servers is not the best, so I'll skip a test connection.

As to the maps with issues on this site, I do try to let the public know of issues in the review or at the bottom of a review. If you are aware of any maps with issues, please start a new thread and include the details so I can update the corresponding reviews. It would be great if you also included some information about the issues too.

Good luck with the server!

GuitarMan Rep. 569
#12   06 Sep 2014
I'm sure you've got valid reasons for running old versions of Q3A on a server, and it's OK.

But do not pretend to avoid negative comments when what you're doing is basically advertising of your own server without caring of where you post.
The fact that you posted,

Have you even been on the server?

to Tig, the owner of this site, a guy who's been playing online for ages even before you or I started doing it... shows who's wrong here.

Don't get me wrong, it is great to know there are Q3 servers online these days, just learn to do it the right way before jumping into someone else's house and trashing them before you know who you're talking to. It is as simple as this: you screwed up, and that's why you got replies you didn't like.

Besides that, I'll say it again: good to know there are new Q3 servers, thank you for your efforts on running it. Keep it up!

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