The long answer is you need to create a ".ent" file and use a mod. CPMA and Orange Smoothie both have support for these files. I'm sure other mods do to.
There was once a mod that allowed you to spawn an entity at where the crosshair was pointing but I have no idea what is was called.
There is another thread here: which has more info on this topic.
The less messy way would be to use the mods, but then say I want to use another mod? It would be nice if one could run multiple mods at the same time like you can with GTA Cleo mods. It would also be nice if the Quake3 engine could read .ent files without having to resort to using a mod.
+set fs_basegame mod1 +set fs_game mod2
This allows you to use the options / features from mod1 and anything in mod2 will "override" the same features from mod1.
So, you could create a basic mod that simply loads ".ent" files and nothing else and then you can load the main mod over the top (or the other way around).
The re-compile option with q3map2 -onlyents is a very good option. I would recommend giving the modified file a new name to prevent confusion :]
I don't know q3map2.exe very well. I'm using the version one that comes with gtkRadiant. I'm trying to get the white neutral flag into q3ctf1.bsp, so I can play 1flag ctf there just like I can in mpq3ctf1.
First I copy/rename q3ctf1.bsp to _q3ctf1.bsp. I open up _q3ctf1.bsp with a text editor, select/copy the entity text, paste it into _q3ctf1.txt, then add the neutral flag entity in at the end, then change .txt to .ent. I copy both _q3ctf1.bsp and _q3ctf1.ent to the same folder as q3map2.exe. In cmd.exe I tried q3map2 -onlyents _q3ctf1.ent. I get warnings but no errors and I can tell it wrote to _q3ctf1.bsp by noticing the timestamp. However when I open up _q3ctf1.bsp with a text editor the neutral flag entity isn't there. Do I need more command line parameters, such as -game missionpack?
Just set the following:
sv_entList_load 1
sv_entList_dump 2
It will then output the entity string to an .ent file in your maps folder at map loading time. If you're in-game you can tab over to a text editor to modify it, go back to the game and simply do a map_restart to apply the changes, or of course reload the map.
Edit: you'll need SDL.dll to run it since it runs on ioq3, which means SDL dependencies... for now anyway.
Edited 2.15 minutes after the original posting.
Using CPMA or Orange Smoothie mods: do you simply place the .ent file with the same name as the bsp into /maps/ and it will automatically over-ride, or is there a setting to make them look for it?
It seems that if you edit the entities you need to also edit reach-ability data from what I've read here
"... you ONLY change the entities inside this BSP file then you only have to recalculate the reachabilities"
I wonder if this applies to pickup items such as guns/ammo/flags. It shouldn't, as bots can figure out how to reach dropped items.
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